
Predictive analatics using deepLearning4j and Spark

Primary LanguageScala

Predictive Analaytics using DeepLearning4j


Hive table and data to be loaded using hive ddl in PredictiveAnalatics/StockTimeSeries/hive_tables.ddl Stock Time Series data Location : PredictiveAnalatics/StockTimeSeries


compile the jar file using below command. Make sure sbt is installed.

Go to Project Home dir ==> sbt assembly

Convert into eclipse Project:

Go to Project Home dir ==> sbt eclipse

Executing :

spark-submit --class poc.analaticsEngine.StockPrediction --master local[2] /home/cloudera/workspace/PredictiveAnalatics/target/scala-2.10/PredicitiveAnalatics-assembly-1.0.jar