
HttpInference is a http android client and http server example for deep learning offloading.

Android Build

  1. git clone
  2. import project to your Android Studio
  3. build and install

Server Install and Run

  1. Install python3
  2. ./
  3. cd infserver
  4. python3 migrate
  5. python3 runserver ip:port

How to use HttpInference:

  1. Type in the remote1 and remote2 server IP "http://yourip:yourport/" (you should put / in the end of the string) (e.g., remote1 - edge server, remote2 - cloud server)
  2. Click start button
  3. Then, HttpInference app execute three process for 100 images
  • run segmentation inference in the local device
  • send file to remote1 inference server and get result image from the server
  • send file to remote2 inference server and get result image from the server
  1. The measurement result of latency and segmentation results will be stored in the /sdcard/result.csv


  1. adb pull /sdcard/result.csv .
  2. python
  3. python
  4. python

Application Image

App1 App2 App3

Plot Example

Result1 Result2 Result3