
ESP32 ScreenShotReceiver. Send jpegs from your Windows PC to the ESP32 receiver.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT



Send the screen of your PC as a JPEG, send it by TCP, receive it by ESP32, and display it.

対応環境 Environment

LCDの設定に LovyanGFX を使用します。LovyanGFXが動作するESP32環境に対応しています。
Use LovyanGFX to set up the LCD. It is compatible with the ESP32 environment in which LovyanGFX runs.

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使い方 Usage

受信側 Receiver : ESP32 ScreenShotReceiver


When launched, will attempt to connect to WiFi, and if it can't connect, SmartConfig will start.
Put the SmartConfig app on your smartphone and set it up.
If the WiFi connection is successful, the serial monitor and LCD will display the IP address and wait for the connection from the Windows app.

送信側 Sender : Windows ScreenShotSender

受信側が複数ある場合は、Col・Row で列数・行数を増やして画像を分割することができます。

When you enter the IP address of the receiver and connect, a portion of the Windows screen appears on the ESP32's LCD.
Allows you to set the width, height, quality of the image and the area to be JPEG'd
If there is more than one receiver, you can split the image by increasing the number of columns and rows.

Ctrlキー + カーソルキー操作 : ウィンドウの移動距離が増えます。
Shiftキー + カーソルキー操作 : ウィンドウの幅と高さが調整できます。

The capture window can be moved and resized using the mouse and the keyboard cursor keys.
hold down the Ctrl key and use the cursor keys : Increase the move distance.
Hold down the Shift key and use the cursor keys : Adjust the width and height.

必要なライブラリ Requirement library

含まれているライブラリ Included library

TJpgDec を改造して使用しています。



