
This is the solution to the assigment from Clear Solutions based on these specifications.

General information

The project is within the users repository. It is a Restful API , that creates , updates, reads and deletes entities of type User. The endpoints within the UserController are explained in the following table:

HTTP Method Endpoint Description Parameters Returns
GET /users/{requestedId} Retrieves a user by their ID. requestedId: The ID of the user to retrieve.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity containing the user if found, or a not found response if not found.
GET /users Retrieves a list of users based on the provided pagination parameters and the authenticated principal. pageable: The pagination parameters for retrieving the users.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity containing the list of users.
GET /users/{startDate}/{endDate} Retrieves a list of users owned by the authenticated principal between the specified start and end dates. startDate: The start date of the range.
endDate: The end date of the range.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity containing the list of users if found, or a not found response if the list is empty.
POST /users Creates a new user. newUser: The user object containing the details of the new user.
ucb: The UriComponentsBuilder used to build the URI for the new user.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity with a status code of 201 (Created) and the URI of the new user in the Location header.
PUT /users/{requestedId} Updates a user with the provided information. requestedId: The ID of the user to be updated.
updatedUser: The updated user object containing the new information.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity with no content if the user was successfully updated, or a ResponseEntity with a not found status if the user was not found.
DELETE /users/{requestedId} Deletes a user with the specified ID. requestedId: The ID of the user to delete.
principal: The principal object representing the currently authenticated user.
A ResponseEntity with no content if the user was successfully deleted, or a ResponseEntity with not found status if the user does not exist or the authenticated user is not the owner.

How to run and test the Project

  1. Open vscode or you prefered editor and/or IDE.
  2. Open the terminal and run the command git clone
  3. Enter the user-solutions directory cd user-solutions and if you are using vscode code .
  4. After the editor and/or IDE are set to this directory then proceed to enter the directory where the project lies. cd users.
  5. To run the tests run the command ./gradlew test
  6. To run the project in the test enviroment run ./gradlew bootTestRun.

The project should be running on port 8080. As specified by the properties file.

If the app is to be tested on the browser, you will be prompted to enter a username as password (The list of owners is explained later in this README file) If the app is to be tested via Postman, on authorization choose Basic Auth and for a user choose, one of the users specified at the project details section. (Preferably admin : abc123 for both prowser and postman).

Project details

The application uses a h2 in memory database, with the schema represented in the schema file. And some custom data is being added anytime the app runs. The data entered is specified at the data file. The only model is the User class, as required by the google doc, with an additional field of String owner to represent the creator of the User entity. The field is added to provide some basic authentication and authorization. The necessary fields are validated , through jakarta annotations and a custom annotation @Adult for the birthday field. I also introduced The AgeHelper to retrive the age limit from the properties file. In case the data entered breaks the annotation's contract the server would respond with a HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST and the fields that contain errors with the error message along side it. e.g

For the post endpoint, if the body of the request conatins the following data:

    "id": null,
    "name": "alex",
    "lastName": "brown",
    "email": "",
    "birthday": "2008-09-15",
    "phoneNumber": "555555555",
    "address": "789 Oak St"

The repsonse would be the following:

    "birthday": "Must be at least 18 years old"

Within the SecurityConfig there are three owners added for testing purposes. The owners are:

Owner Password Role
admin abc123 USER_OWNER
dario abc123 NON_OWNER
paris abc123 USER_OWNER

The exceptions are handled globally at ApplicationExceptionHandler. And there is custom exception named WrongDateParameterException thrown by the endpoint that queries the database for users with birthdays that fall within a range of dates.