
Multi-Parameter Benchmark Framework

Primary LanguagePython

Multi-Parameter Benchmark Framework

A prototype framework to benchmark Spark applications with multiple parameters.


  1. Install Python 3.8 or a newer version.
  2. Install required Python packages: pip install -r python/benchmark/requirements.txt
  3. Download Spark on the machine where you want to start the Spark cluster.
  4. Copy the application you want to benchmark to the machine where the cluster is going to be deployed.
  5. Create the benchmark and cluster configuration file (config.json) and the application parameters config file (parameters.json). As an example see python/examples/ or python/eaxmples/CountWord).
  6. Run the benchmark executor with these configuration files: python --file python/executor.py -c python/examples/config.json -p python/examples/parameters.json

As an example application you may use CountWord in this repository.

  1. Create a fat jar from the application: CountWord-gradle/gradlew shadowJar
  2. Copy the fat jar to the Spark cluster: cp CountWord-gradle/app/build/libs/ParametrizableCountWord.jar <spark-cluster-path>
  3. Copy the bible.txt to the Spark cluster: cp bible.txt <spark-cluster-path>
  4. Adapt the python/examples/CountWord/config.json and python/examples/CountWord/parameters.json according to your Spark cluster.
  5. Run the benchmark: python --file python/executor.py -c python/examples/CountWord/config.json -p python/examples/CountWord/parameters.json