Mapbox Valentine Colors

This map is to pratice map styling in mapbox. The coloring style is to reflect the recent holiday, Valentine's Day. Published Page :

Icon Description

The icons represent State Parks from data in OregonExplore. The image of the icon represent a unique or important feature of each park. This data was collected from by looking at the individual site specific information. The amenities have a top down ordering. The importances of the order of these amenities can be argued. For this lay out the order was decided as:

  1. Camping
  2. Beach Access
  3. Biking
  4. Waterfalls
  5. Swimming
  6. Fishing
  7. Hiking Trails
  8. Picnic
  9. Horse Riding Trails
  10. Viewpoints
  11. Playground
  12. Parks

Note: I also changed the individual colors of the svg files to different colors of the rainbow to recognize Love is Love!

Hiking icon

Given the limited icons in mapbox, I created a hiking icon by using Inkscape.


When you zoom in to 8, the parks unique hashtag is revealed. The hashtags are user generated content from the social media site Instagram. Though some parks may have multiple tags the most distinct tag was used for this map.