
Like the title - Procedural Terrain Generation built on WebGL. A course project for SUTD's 50.017 Graphics and Visualization

Primary LanguageJavaScript

50.017 Graphics and Visualization Course Project: Procedural Terrain Generation

Team 3: Low En (1003374), Elliot - Ezekiel Koh (1003501), Zachary Tan (1002859)


UI - Creating a mountain

How to Run:

This project is packaged as a Next.js web application. Node.js will be required to run this program locally.

Using npm

Install dependencies

% npm install

Run the application locally

% npm run dev

Using yarn

Install dependencies

% yarn

Run the application locally

% yarn dev

And then navigate to http://localhost:3000 on your web browser. Alternatively, open the deployed application here


This directory has the following directory structure:

|- node_modules
|- public           // contains assets like icons
|- pages						// contains the page layouts
|- src
|---- objects				// contains the various scene objects like the terrain mesh
|---- scene
|---- shaders
|---- utils					// useful utility functions
|---- webgl					// contains code that controls object loading and the render loop