
The application "DocDown.app" can't be opened

Closed this issue · 22 comments

I'm not sure what has happened, but I now get that message when I attempt to open DocDown on my Macbook. I am running OS 10.15.2—was it the Catalina update?

Hi! I've started looking into this and there are a number of issues which have emerged with Catalina which I'm currently looking into, so you'll have to bear with me!

Okay, sorry for the delay - see if the new release here works better for you! https://github.com/lowercasename/docdown/releases/tag/v0.4.0

Let's do some debugging! Could you:

  • Right click on the DocDown app and click ‘Show Package Contents’
  • In the folder that opens, go to Contents > MacOS
  • Double-click the file in that folder called ‘DocDown’

A Terminal window should open. Could you copy whatever output appears in there and paste it for me here?

Yes, try: ./DocDown, and when you're done, if it hangs, hit Ctrl+C to quit the app.

It looks like your Mac's security preferences might be preventing you from opening DocDown. Try going into System Preferences > Security, and see if there's a message there about DocDown, or an option to allow opening apps from untrusted providers (I can't afford the fees for an Apple trusted certificate unfortunately!)

Also try right clicking on DocDown and then clicking 'Open', although if the machine has somehow managed to block DocDown from opening, that may not help.

Also following this thread due to same issue , have tried all of the above too, but getting same results as Ryan

If I open a Terminal folder within Package Contents > MacOS and then type sudo /.DocDown, it prompts me for password - but says /.DocDown: command not found

I had last version (0.3.2) working fine. Followed the update workflow and now not working. Also tried reinstalling 0.3.2 afterwards, but that's giving same error now

If there's some way I can generate some useful debugging info to paste here, let me know 👍

Same as @alistairwilson. Was working before the 0.4.0 install and now neither 0.4.0 nor 0.3.2 will open.

Okay, let's all try the new version (0.4.1)! I updated electron-builder, and it's working for me on a machine where 0.4.0 was outputting the same error.

Same for me! Have tried right clicking and opening also, but no success

Okay, never surrender - I've just switched the .zip file in that release with a .dmg file, can y'all see if that one works?

.zip worked for me after I bypassed the Security setting in Preferences. Can we all gift you a Developer Account/Certificate? Ha!