
A node.js wrapper for the ubigraph server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This library wraps the xmlrpc calls to the ubigraph server in a little class.

All callback functions take error and value parameters, where the error parameter indicates an error if one occured, and value is the value returned by the server.

  1. Compilation: Just include the ubigraph.js file.

  2. The constructor: Currently does not receive any parameters. Creates and stores the connection to the ubigraph server. All subsequent functions are members of the returned object.

    u = require('lib/ubigraph/ubigraph.js'); ubigraph = new u.Ubigraph();

    The default host localhost is used. Drop me a line if that's a problem for you.

  3. clear(function(error, retval){ ... }): Clears the graph and calls the supplied callback function.

     ubigraph.clear(function(error, value){
         if(error) throw error;
         console.log('ubigraph cleared.');
  4. newVertex(function(error, vertexID){ ... }): creates a new vertex and calls the supplied callback function, passing either error or null for the error and the returned vertex ID for the vertexID parameter.

     ubigraph.newVertex(function(error, id){
         if(error) throw error;
         console.log('new edge created, id: ' + id);
  5. newVertexWithID(newID, function(error, value){ ... }): Creates a new vertex, supplying the id. Calls the supplied callback when done, passing it an error if one occured.

     ubigraph.newVertexWithID(0, function(error, value){
         if(error) throw error;
         console.log('new vertex created');
  6. newEdge(fromVertexID, toVertexID, callback): Creates an edge between vertices with ids fromVertexID and toVertexID. Returns the edge id as the value parameter in the callback.

     ubigraph.newEdge(1, 2, function(error, edgeID){
     if(error) throw error;
         console.log('edge created, edgeid: ' + edgeID);
  7. newEdgeWithID(edgeID, fromVertexID, toVertexID, callback): Creates an edge with the supplied id

     ubigraph.newEdgeWithID(0, 1, 2, function(error, edgeID){
     if(error) throw error;
     console.log('edge created');
  8. removeVertex(vertexID, callback): Removes a vertex from the graph.

     ubigraph.removeVertex(1, function(error, value){
         if(error) throw error;
         console.log('edge removed');
  9. removeEdge(edgeID, callback): Removes an edge from the graph.

     ubigraph.removeEdge(0, function(error, value){
         if(error) throw error;
         console.log('edge removed');
  10. setVertexAttribute(vertexID, property, value, callback) Sets a vertex's attribute.

    See http://ubietylab.net/ubigraph/content/Docs/index.html#vertexattributes for available attributes.

     ubigraph.setVertexAttribute(0, 'label', 'Zeroeth Vertex', function(error, value){
         if(error) throw error;
     console.log('vertex attribute set.');
  11. setEdgeAttribute(edgeID, property, value, callback) Sets an edge's attribute.

    See http://ubietylab.net/ubigraph/content/Docs/index.html#edgeattributes for details.

    ubigraph.setEdgeAttribute(0, 'label', 'This Is An Edge', function(error, value){
        if(error) throw error;
    console.log('edge attribute set.');