
A template for quickly getting started with forge

Primary LanguageSolidity

Forge Template

A template for quickly getting started with forge

Getting Started

mkdir my-project
cd my-project
forge init --template https://github.com/FrankieIsLost/forge-template
git submodule update --init --recursive  ## initialize submodule dependencies
npm install ## install development dependencies
forge build
forge test


Lib common

Contract Description
CommonUniswapV2/swapExactInput Swap exact tokens to tokens on pool v2
CommonUniswapV3/swapExactInput Swap exact tokens to tokens on pool v3

Testing Utilities

Includes a Utilities.sol contract with common testing methods (like creating users with an initial balance), as well as various other utility contracts.

Preinstalled dependencies

ds-test for testing, forge-std for better cheatcode UX, and solmate for optimized contract implementations.


Pre-configured solhint and prettier-plugin-solidity. Can be run by

npm run solhint
npm run prettier

CI with Github Actions

Automatically run linting and tests on pull requests.

Default Configuration

Including .gitignore, .vscode, remappings.txt


Inspired by great dapptools templates like https://github.com/gakonst/forge-template, https://github.com/gakonst/dapptools-template and https://github.com/transmissions11/dapptools-template