
Place buys and sells of cryptoassets to re-balance a portfolio to a baseline percent allocation of each asset

Primary LanguagePython


Places limit buys and stop-loss sells of cryptoassets in order to rebalance a portfolio to a baseline percentage allocation.

Download python https://www.python.org/downloads/ Download Visual C++ build tools: http://landinghub.visualstudio.com/visual-cpp-build-tools Run pip install python-binance

API Used: https://github.com/sammchardy/python-binance

  1. Adjust "api_key" and "api_secret" to your Binance API key/secret

  2. Add coin tickers to "target_coins"

  3. Add percentage allocations in decimal to "target_splits"

3a. Allocations for any coins found in "target_coins", but not in "target_splits" will be evenly split using the remaining percentage left over from the "target_splits" total

3b. Leave total_splits<=1

  1. All buys/sells/pricing is through BTC

  2. Buys/sells are placed at the limit spread set in "price". Default is 1%.

  3. Running the script will remove any pending buys and sells in your account!

  4. When the script runs, buys/sells will be placed at the limits set in "price" until the percentages equal the allocation in "target_split"