This was based on @wernight`s tool, see for more details
We added the envsubst
command to allow to have a simplistic templating mechanism:
replaces shell-like variable expressions with current values
of environment variables:
echo '$PWD' | envsubst
will result in the same output as echo $PWD
by envsubst
in our Jenkins build job, similar to
cat any-k8s-resources/deployment.yml | envsubst | kubectl apply -'
node('docker') {
docker.inside('skylo/kubectl', '-e K8S-DOCKER-IMAGE=skylo/kubectl:1.6.1') {
// add specific config from jenkins workspace into the correct location for use by kubectl
sh 'cp .kubeconfig /config/.kube/'
// pre-check if connections works:
sh 'kubectl cluster-info'
// this allows to replace shell-like variable expression by current environment by envsubs, e.g.
// `$K8S-DOCKER-IMAGE` by `skylo/kubectl:1.6.1`
sh 'cat k8s-resources/deployment.yml | envsubst | kubectl apply -'
* 1.6.1