
This repository contains the GitHub Classroom assignment for the COSC A211 Term Project


Hello, students! You will be using this repository to deliver your final semester-long project.

You can organize your files in this repository folder however you like. The only necessity is to put all of your .cpp files and data files in here.

There is no set sequence for how you perform your project. However, I do have a suggested sequence for how you perform various steps in developing a working program and handing it in for this course.

Written projects do not need to use this GitHub Repo

You can submit presentations and your final files through Blackboard and not use GitHub if you see fit.

".md" Files - View these in GitHub

The files supplied in this directory ending with ".md" are notes and suggestions and documentation for your use. They are plain text files following a style called "MarkDown". It is widely used and, frankly, it is pretty easy to deal with, rather than bulky Word documents, PDFs, or unformatted texts. If you view a markdown as a text file, it's pretty easy to see what I've written as guidance.

However, you should also know that GitHub presents these files pretty nicely online. So click on them in GitHub and you can view them. Here's an example from this directory:

Click on "" and you see it nicely formatted:

As you work one of these steps, you may want to keep its MarkDown file open on GitHub to view as you work.

A-B-C sequence

One effective order for developing your term project is listed in the A, B, C etc ".md" files you find in this directory. Each of these files summarizes a step that you should find helpful in your work. Please read these files for a description of each step and then you can decide whether it fits into your project.

Partial Deliveries with 'A', 'B', 'C' etc pull requests

There is a pull request target matching each of these names. If you submit a pull request under one of those names, it will let me know how much work you think you have done, and allow me to review the interim condition of your project. I hope to provide helpful feedback as often as I can.


This is the last stage of your project. When finished, you should issue a pull request for this branch.