
An adapter and serializer to enable ember-data to work with an odata api.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This Ember-cli addon is an attempt to make ember-data work with an odata api.

The addon provides an OdataAdapter that extends the ember-data RESTAdapter and an OdataSerializer that extends the RESTSerializer.

Tested with ember-data v2.3.0


  • npm install this repository


The OdataAdapter configures ember-data to work with the oData api.

Supported methods

Currently supported adapter methods:


  • store.findAll() can be used to retrieve all of the records for a given type.
store.findAll('post'); // => GET /posts
  • store.findRecord() can be used to retrieve a record by its type and ID.
store.findRecord('post', 1); // => GET /posts(1)
  • store.query() provides the ability to query for records that meet certain criteria. The query parameters will be appended to the url as query string parameters.

For example, query for all post records by the Author with the name of Peter.

store.query('post', { $filter: "Author/Name eq Peter" }}); // => GET /posts?$filter=Author/Name eq Peter
  • store.queryRecord() behaves the same as store.query()
store.queryRecord('post', { $filter: "Author/Name eq Peter" }}); // => GET /posts?$filter=Author/Name eq Peter


  • model.save() will produce a PUT (MERGE) request.

NOTE: when attempting a PUT request, the adapter will intercept the request, change the method verb to POST, and set a X-HTTP-Method header with a value of MERGE. The If-Match header is also added with a value of *.

When performing a MERGE request, only the model attributes that have changed are sent in the request.

model.save(); // => MERGE /posts(1)


POST and DELETE have not been implemented or tested yet.


The OdataSerializer normailzes, serializes, and de-serializes data from the oData api to be consumed by ember-data.


  • HasMany relationships are supported.

  • BelongsTo relationships have not been implemented or tested yet.


  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install


Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.