
Starter code for projects that require user authentication (email+password)



  • Node.js version 18 or higher
  • A PostgreSQL database and its connection string, either hosted locally for development or hosted for production

Running the app

Before you build and run

  1. Copy .example.env to a new file named .env at the root of the project, and fill in the values as described.

  2. Run yarn install to install dependencies.

  3. Run the required database migrations:

    • In development: npx prisma migrate dev
    • In production: npx prisma migrate deploy

Local development

From your terminal:

yarn dev

This starts the app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

If you make changes to the database schema, you will need to run npx prisma migrate dev again before restarting the server.

Build and run for Production

If changes were made to the database schema, first run:

npx prisma migrate deploy

Next, build your app for production:

yarn build

Then run the app in production mode:

yarn start