
Easy template with a login and other features for nodejs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An template for a web-app using Express4 and Mongoose.

This template includes the following features:

  • User management: basic login and registration of a user with password recovery and email verification.
  • Stripe integration: managing user subscriptions using Stripe.


The current design is based on DDD + hexagonal architecture. We can find a folder application which contains the main sources. Inside this folder we find:

  • controller: contains the controllers, which are the entry points of the application. In this case, since it will only be accessible through a web app, we only have http controller.
  • application: contains the commands/use cases that are available for execution. Gets called by the controllers and executes the commands on the repository. Also interacts with the external ports/interfaces.
  • domain: currently only contains the model of the application. In this case, it is totally integrated with mongoose.
  • infrastructure: implementation of the interfaces to access the models and external libraries. In this case we have the methods to save/update/remove data from Mongo database, and interaction with email


  • Express4: minimal web framework
  • mongoose: MongoDB ODM
  • express-session: manage express sessions
  • connect-mongodb-session: manage sessions with MongoDB
  • nunjucks: for rendering templates similar to Django's Jinja
  • validator: to validate email format
  • bcrypt: hashing and salting of passwords
  • stripe: for managing user subscriptions

User Management

The users can login using either their email or username. To register they must provide a valid email and verify it to become active. Display of a profile site for logged users. Users can reset their passwords either through the profile or by clicking on "forgot password" in the login page.

Some validators are available in the middleware folder to redirect the user when logged in to the user profile page or not logged in to the index page.


When a user validates his email, an Stripe customer will be created with his name and email.

Then the user will go through a trial period and it will be offered to buy a subscription using Stripe checkout portal. The user can manage his subscription through Stripe customer portal.

The application listens for changes in Stripe using a webhook and will synchronize with it whenever a user subscribes/unsubscribes.

We will need to define the following environment variables:

  • STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET = self explanatory
  • PRODUCT_BASIC = this is a price ID of a product that was created in stripe, it looks like "price_1LJ34243243a"
  • TRIAL_DAYS = ammount of trial days we are offering the users

Also, for the webhook to work we will need to call in another terminal:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:5656/subscription/stripe/webhook

Set up

You should copy .env.example file and modify the variables according to your setup.