🇺🇦 🇦🇺 DevOps Engineer, Software Engineer, Infrastructure Engineer, Junior Solution Architect
Sydney, Australia
Pinned Repositories
This repository consists of ciphers and deciphers. It can help you to cipher your message if you don't want that somebody else can read it . Ciphers: Atbash, Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher.
Corewar is a project, to make a popular game which call 'Corewar'. This is a group project: 4 people. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
FdF - the representation in 3D of a landscape by use the miniLibX. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
Filler - project, where you had to make a player for a game which call "Filler", where two players fight each other. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
Project Fillit is a team project (2 people). Fillit is a program which assembles a given Tetriminos set altogether in the smallest possible square - like a Tetris. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This project was the opporunity to hone miniLibX skills, to make discover/use the mathematical notion of complex numbers and to take a peek at the concept of optimization in computer graphics. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This repository consists of function that calls 'get_next_line()'. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
The complex and interesting GitLab CIs cases that I had to build in my career.
NSS module for Linux User authentication using an HTTP request.
Custom-built Terraform Modules I had to build in my career.
lpavliuk's Repositories
Corewar is a project, to make a popular game which call 'Corewar'. This is a group project: 4 people. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This repository consists of ciphers and deciphers. It can help you to cipher your message if you don't want that somebody else can read it . Ciphers: Atbash, Caesar cipher, Vigenère cipher.
FdF - the representation in 3D of a landscape by use the miniLibX. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
Filler - project, where you had to make a player for a game which call "Filler", where two players fight each other. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
Project Fillit is a team project (2 people). Fillit is a program which assembles a given Tetriminos set altogether in the smallest possible square - like a Tetris. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This project was the opporunity to hone miniLibX skills, to make discover/use the mathematical notion of complex numbers and to take a peek at the concept of optimization in computer graphics. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This repository consists of function that calls 'get_next_line()'. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
The complex and interesting GitLab CIs cases that I had to build in my career.
The goal of this project is to find the quickest way to get n-ants across the farm. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
This repository consists of my own library (functions) in C. The project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
NSS module for Linux User authentication using an HTTP request.
This is a recode an original command ls and some of its options using C. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
Custom-built Terraform Modules I had to build in my career.
OpenSSL is a cryptographic toolkit library written C that is used to secure communications over computer networks. In this project, implemented the md5 and sha256 hashing functions.
This repository consists of my new library 'libftprintf.a'. This is my upgraded library 'libft' with my own function 'ft_printf()'. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).
`ONE Day - ONE Game` | Retro is a project, to make a game like a Spacewar in a short time. This is a group project: 2 people. Project of UNIT Factory (école 42).