Welcome to the Readium.js demonstration application. This application is designed to provide a simple demonstration of Readium.js, a JS library for rendering EPUB files on any modern browser, via any web server. At present, it only demonstrates a subset of the functionality and flexibility of Readium.js. If you'd like to learn more, check out the Readium.js website, and/or source on Github. Readium.js is in early development and it is not yet recommended that you use it for production deployment of EPUB files.
There are a few ways you can try out the sample application.
You can visit the hosted version.
To test readium.js and the demonstration application on any static web server:
- clone https://github.com/readium/readium-viewer-demo1.git into a content directory in your web server (e.g. into a "www/readium-viewer-demo1" folder)
- visit yourdomain/readium-viewer-demo1/index.html and enjoy! (access additional sample EPUB files with the rightmost button)
- there is no step three! (but it is not recommended to deploy the build-related files onto a publicly-accessible server)
To add a new EPUB:
- unzip any (*) valid (**) .epub file (EPUB 2 or EPUB 3 version) in the "epub_content" directory
- edit "epub_library.json" in that same directory to add a json object with two attributes: * "url_to_package_document", which contains the path to the EPUB's package document from the server root, which is the simple-epub-3/ directory. * A title for the EPUB, at your discretion. * (*) NOTE1: This is somewhat aspirational; as Readium.js is still in early development not all EPUB 3 features are yet supported in - see issues trackers for the consituent sub-projects for more info * (**) NOTE2: "valid" means EPUBCHeck 3.0 reports zero errors. At this time Readium.js does not have robust error handling
To get a version of this application to run locally along with the unit tests you'll need a few tools (this is OSX-specific):
- Ruby
- Bundler
- Rake
If you've got those ready to go, follow these steps:
- Download the source from Github
- Run "bundle" at the command line
- Run "rake server" at the command line
- Point your browser to "localhost:3000"