
UI Automated Testing Framework using Python and Selenium. Influenced by nightwatch.js

Primary LanguagePython


An attempt at making a UI Automated Testing Framework using Python and Selenium. Influenced by the node.js powered framework, nightwatch.js


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$ git clone https://github.com/lpcruz/nightwatch.git
Using Pip for dependencies

$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Creating a Test

  • The template folder is a good starting point as it contains each of the dependencies. The template folder is how your new project should look like when beginning.

  • Create a new folder/directory for your project within the Root Directory nightwatch

  • Within your new Project Folder, you'll need the following files to begin commands.py and nightwatch_utils.py

  • For screenshots, create a folder/directory called, screens. This is referenced within commands.py. This is where your screenshots will be located.

  • Create a new file for your test i.e: mytest.py

  • For reference, please review the template for making a test here

  • You will need to make changes to nightwatch_utils and you can refer here

  • When you're done making your test, make sure that your new project folder contains updated versions of commands.py and nightwatch_utils.py, as well as a screens directory

Running a Test

Ensure that you are in the directory where which your new test file is located. Once you're in that directory do the following in terminal:

$ python mytest.py