Compute CFEngine3 runtime splaytime for a given host.
Splaytime is the time cf-execd delays cf-agent execution to spread the load on CFEngine server over a period of time.
The length of this period is given by the "splaytime" statement in "body executor control", and each host delays its execution within this timeframe by a specific delay, computed by a host-specific hashing.
Hashing parameters are:
- hostname
- main ip address
- uid used to run cf-execd
Until cf-execd execution, it is not possible to know in advance this host-specific delay.
cfe-rsplaytime allows to compute this delay. It was used once to debug a huge clients to server connections problem, (which was finally a promise issue) <splaytime> <fqdn> <ip> <uid>
$ ./ 1 debian70.boring 0
Runtime splaytime is 45.55s
The computed splaytime is valid for the following CFEngine versions:
- 3.4.x
- 3.5.x
- 3.6.0
Loic Pefferkorn, please use Github issues for bugs or enhancements ideas :)