
ansible playbook to configure centos/redhat workstation for infrastructure as code development with Ansible

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

iac-dev - Release 1.1

This playbook configures centos/redhat workstation for Infrastructure as Code development with Ansible.

It configures your IaC Development workstation with:

  • Remote Desktop (xRDP+TigerVNC) for easy access
  • Microsoft Visual Studio Code
  • Python
  • PowerShell Core for Linux
  • Latest Version of Git
  • Latest Version of Ansible +
    • WinRM + Kerberos Authentication for windows automation through Ansible
    • Various python libraries for common modules (Azure,AWS,Google Cloud,F5,NAPALM, or add your own!)

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and install latest version of Centos/RedHat 7 with Gnome Desktop Environment Centos Download.
  2. During installation, create local user and grant administrator privileges
  3. After successful installation, open a terminal window:
  4. Install Ansible: sudo yum install ansible.
  5. Install Git: sudo yum install git
  6. Clone this repository to your home directory: git clone https://github.com/carlbuchmann/iac-dev
  7. Optional - to enable WinRM: Edit ./iac-dev/roles/ansible-engine/defaults/main.yml and enter your active directory domain information
  8. run playbook: sudo ansible-playbook iac-dev.yml
  9. launch vscode: code and install recommended extensions!

Getting Started with IaC

  1. Getting Started with VSCode
  2. Getting Started with Ansible

Future additions

Things that still need to be done manually

recommended Visual Studio Code extentions

PRs welcome

Please submit a PR to help enhance this playbook!