
a useless and dangerous social IoT alarm clock

Primary LanguagePython

#  tunemail: a useless and dangerous social IoT alarm clock  #

Just in case your life is not complete without an alarm
clock which checks your email and indiscriminately downloads
attachments. If you build this, and if it's 2008 and your
friends send you emails with .mp3 attachments, your alarm
clock will definitely know about it and play those mp3s to
wake you up in the morning. Or at whatever time of day you
want to wake up. Disclaimer: this is a bad idea.


1. Revision B Raspberry Pi
2. Wifi adaptor or ethernet connection for RPi
3. Adafruit 16x2 RGB LCD display + potentiometer
4. One latching button or switch
5. Two momentary buttons or switches
6. Throwaway gmail account


1. On the RPi, make a directory "home/pi/music" and put in
(a) your favorite song (to be used as a default alarm),
(b) an empty (!) file "unplayedsongs.txt", and 
(c) an empty (!) file "playedsongs.txt."

2. Install the dependencies of tunemail.py on the RPi.

3. Edit "Adafruit_CharLCD" to replace "21" with "27" in the
pin list (this is rev B-specific).

4. Wire up the Adafruit 16x2 RGB LCD and potentiometer as in
their tutorial.

5. Connect GPIO pin 4 to one terminal of a latching button
and connect the other terminal of the button to ground.

6. Connect the SDA pin to one terminal of a momentary button
and connect the other terminal to ground. Connect the SCL
pin to one terminal of a second momentary button and connect
the other terminal to ground.

7. Edit the default values of the global variables in
tunemail.py with your gmail info and default song name.

8. Connect your RPi to the internet, make sure the timezone
is set properly, and run tunemail.py.


1. Give your friends the gmail address and ask them to send
you songs as .mp3 attachments.

2. Don't worry, if your friends think this is a bad idea,
don't listen to you, or don't know what an mp3 is, your
default song will still wake you up.

3. To set the alarm, press the latching button once, then
use the two momentary buttons to scroll to your wake-up
time. Then press the latching button again.

4. Sweet dreams!