
Code used in my Master's Thesis: Genome-wide inference of population history in eukaryotes

This is the Logfile for the Master's Thesis by Laura Pettrich

Topic: Genome-wide inference of population history in eukaryotes

Duration: 03.01.2022 - 03.07.2022

Includes all important bioinformatic steps of my thesis.



PKOL = Panagrolaimus kolymaensis

JU765 = Propanagrolaimus sp. JU765

CRIP = Chironomus riparius

1.1 Chironomus riparius


# Download BUSCO for offline usage
wget -q -O diptera_odb10.gz "https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v4/data/lineages/diptera_odb10.2020-08-05.tar.gz" \
       && tar xf diptera_odb10.gz 

singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/:/busco_wd/ -B /scratch/lpettric/busco_downloads/:/busco/ /scratch/lpettric/singularity/busco_v5.3.2_cv1.sif busco -m genome -i /busco_wd/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta -o /busco_wd/CRIP/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.busco.diptera_odb10.tsv -l diptera_odb10 -f --offline --download_path /busco/


# Cheops 1
module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2

eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"

conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/blastx_env/

blastn -db /scratch/lpettric/nt/nt \
       -query /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/CRIP/crip4.0/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta \
       -outfmt "6 qseqid staxids bitscore std" \
       -max_target_seqs 10 \
       -max_hsps 1 \
       -evalue 1e-25 \
       -num_threads 32 \
       -out /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.ncbi.blastn.run.out


# taxid
--taxid 315576

# create dataset
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/output/:/outolino -B /scratch/lpettric/taxdump/:/taxdumpi /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools create \
    --fasta /schluppsi/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta \
    --meta /schluppsi/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.yaml \
    --hits /schluppsi/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.ncbi.blastn.run.out \
    --busco /schluppsi/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.busco.diptera_odb10.tsv/run_diptera_odb10/full_table.tsv \
    --taxid 315576 \
    --taxdump /taxdumpi \
    --taxrule bestsumorder \
    --cov /schluppsi/MF1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam \

# metadata
nano Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.yaml

  alias: Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921
  record_type: chromosome
  name: Chironomus riparius

# View blobplot
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/CRIP/output/output-view:/outolino /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools view --remote --out /outolino/output --view blob /schluppsi/output

1.2 Panagrolaimus kolymaensis


singularity pull docker://ezlabgva/busco:v5.3.2_cv1

#Download BUSCO for offline usage
wget -q -O nematoda_odb10.gz "https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v4/data/lineages/nematoda_odb10.2020-08-05.tar.gz" \
       && tar xf nematoda_odb10.gz 
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/:/busco_wd/ -B /scratch/lpettric/busco_downloads/:/busco/ /scratch/lpettric/singularity/busco_v5.3.2_cv1.sif busco -m genome -i /busco_wd/HLNpanKol1.fa -o /busco_wd/HLNpanKol1.busco.nematoda_odb10.tsv -l nematoda_odb10 -f --offline --download_path /busco/


# Cheops 1
module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2

eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"

conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/blastx_env/

blastn -db /scratch/lpettric/nt/nt \
       -query /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa \
       -outfmt "6 qseqid staxids bitscore std" \
       -max_target_seqs 10 \
       -max_hsps 1 \
       -evalue 1e-25 \
       -num_threads 32 \
       -out /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/HLNpanKol1.ncbi.blastn.run2.out


singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/output/:/outolino -B /scratch/lpettric/taxdump/:/taxdumpi /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools create \
   --fasta /schluppsi/HLNpanKol1.fa \
   --meta /schluppsi/HLNpanKol1.yaml \
   --taxid 2726203 \
   --taxdump /taxdumpi \
   --cov /schluppsi/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam \

singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/output/output-view:/outolino /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools view --remote --out /outolino/output --view blob /schluppsi/output

Fetch Databases:

Fetch the NCBI Taxdump

mkdir -p taxdump; cd taxdump; curl -L ftp://ftp.ncbi.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/new_taxdump/new_taxdump.tar.gz | tar xzf -; cd ..;

Fetch the nt database

mkdir -p nt wget
"<ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/blast/db/nt>.??.tar.gz" -P nt/ &&\
for file in nt/\*.tar.gz;\
do tar xf \$file -C nt && rm \$file;\

Fetch any BUSCO lineages that you plan to use

mkdir -p busco
wget -q -O eukaryota_odb10.gz "https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v5/data/lineages/eukaryota_odb10.2020-09-10.tar.gz" \
        && tar xf eukaryota_odb10.gz -C busco
wget -q -O nematoda_odb10.gz "https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v5/data/lineages/nematoda_odb10.2020-08-05.tar.gz" \
       && tar xf nematoda_odb10.gz -C busco
wget -q -O metazoa_odb10.gz "https://busco-data.ezlab.org/v5/data/lineages/metazoa_odb10.2021-02-24.tar.gz" \
        && tar xf metazoa_odb10.gz -C busco


singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/output/:/outolino -B /scratch/lpettric/taxdump/:/taxi /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif     blobtools add \
--hits /schluppsi/HLNpanKol1.ncbi.blastn.out \
--busco /schluppsi/HLNpanKol1.busco.nematoda_odb10.tsv/run_nematoda_odb10/full_table.tsv \
--taxdump /taxi/ \

Replace BLAST hits

singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/PKOL/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/PKOL/output/:/outolino -B /scratch/lpettric/taxdump/:/taxi /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools add \
    --hits /schluppsi/HLNpanKol1.ncbi.blastn.run2.out \
    --taxdump /taxi/ \
    --taxrule bestsumorder \
   --replace \

View blobplot

singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/PKOL/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/PKOL/output/output-view:/outolino /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools view --remote --out /outolino/output --view blob /schluppsi/output

1.3 Propanagrolaimus JU765


singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/:/busco_wd/ -B /scratch/lpettric/busco_downloads/:/busco/ /scratch/lpettric/singularity/busco_v5.3.2_cv1.sif busco -m genome -i /busco_wd/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa -o /busco_wd/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.busco.nematoda_odb10.tsv -l nematoda_odb10 -f --offline --download_path /busco/


# Cheops 1
module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2

eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"

conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/blastx_env/

blastn -db /scratch/lpettric/nt/nt \
       -query /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa \
       -outfmt "6 qseqid staxids bitscore std" \
       -max_target_seqs 10 \
       -max_hsps 1 \
       -evalue 1e-25 \
       -num_threads 32 \
       -out /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.ncbi.blastn.run.out


# taxid
--taxid 591449

# create dataset
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/output/:/outolino -B /scratch/lpettric/taxdump/:/taxdumpi /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools create \
    --fasta /schluppsi/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa \
    --meta /schluppsi/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.yaml \
    --hits /schluppsi/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.ncbi.blastn.run.out \
    --busco /schluppsi/propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.busco.nematoda_odb10.tsv/run_nematoda_odb10/full_table.tsv \
    --taxid 591449 \
    --taxdump /taxdumpi \
    --taxrule bestsumorder \
    --cov /schluppsi/JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.sort.bam \

# Metadata
nano propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.yaml

  alias: propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic
  record_type: scaffold
  name: Propanagrolaimus ju765

# View blobplot
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/output/output-view:/outolino /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools view --remote --out /outolino/ --view blob /schluppsi/output

STRG+C to exit

# to kill
ps aux | grep lpettric
ps -u lpettric
lsof -i |grep LISTEN
kil <PID>

# Save plot
singularity exec -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/:/schluppsi -B /scratch/lpettric/blobtools/JU765/output/output-view:/outolino /opt/rrzk/software/singularity_images/blobtoolkit_latest.sif blobtools view --remote --out /outolino/ --format svg --view blob /schluppsi/output


General workflow of this study. The obtained raw reads were pre-processed, variant calling followed, including filtering steps with either bamCaller.py and bcftools or freebayes and bcftools. An optional phasing followed. To generate the input-files for both SMC models variant files which were either phased or not and additional mappability masks and coverage masks were necessary. This workflow has been designed using resources from Flaticon.com.


3.1 First check with fastqc and multiqc


module purge
module load openjdk/1.8.0_202

 cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/

/home/lpettric/bin/FastQC/fastqc --threads 10 -o ./MF1/ ./MF1/MF1_R1.paired.fastq_true.gz ./MF1/MF1_R2.paired.fastq_true.gz &


module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/multiqc_env/

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/

multiqc --filename multiqc_report_all_trimmed.html -o /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/ --file-list /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/multiqc-file.list

3.2 Mapping with bwa mem

module purge

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/

/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa mem -t 20 -M -R '@RG\tID:MF\tSM:MF1\tPL:ILLUMINA' /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/CRIP/crip4.0/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta ./MF1/MF1_R1.paired.fastq_true.gz ./MF1/MF1_R2.paired.fastq_true.gz > ./bam-files/MF1_bwamem.sam &

3.3 Sort bam files

module purge
module load samtools

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files

ls -1 *_bwamem.sam | sed 's/_bwamem.sam//g' > list-crip
while read f; do samtools view -b $f"_bwamem.sam" > $f".bam" ;done < list-crip
cat list-crip | /home/lpettric/bin/parallel/bin/parallel -j 20 'samtools sort -@ 4 -o {}.bwamem.sort.bam {}.bam'

"list-crip" contains names of files without file-extension

3.4 Collect flagstat statistics

module purge
module load samtools

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files

/home/lpettric/bin/parallel/bin/parallel -j 20 'samtools flagstat {}.bwamem.sort.bam > {}.bwamem.sort.flagstat' < list-crip

3.5 Remove low qulaity alignments

module purge
module load samtools

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files

/home/lpettric/bin/parallel/bin/parallel -j 20 'samtools view -q 30 -f 0x0002 -F 0x0004 -F 0x0008 -b -o {}.bwamem.sort.q30.bam {}.bwamem.sort.bam' < list-crip

3.6 Remove duplicates

module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/picard_env

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/

picard MarkDuplicates -I MF1.bwamem.sort.q30.bam -O MF1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam -M MF1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.stat -VALIDATION_STRINGENCY SILENT -REMOVE_DUPLICATES true &

3.7 Collect Mapping statistics

module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/qualimap_env

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/

qualimap multi-bamqc -d ./list-qualimap -r --java-mem-size=4G -outformat PDF:HTML -outdir ./qualimap-output


4.1 Trimming of reads

module purge
module load trimmomatic/0.39

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/novogene-rawdata/X204SC22020274-Z01-F001/raw_data/PKOL/

java -jar $TRIMMOMATIC/trimmomatic.jar PE -phred33  \
    -trimlog sample.trimlog PKOL_EDSW220002352-1a_H25W7DSX3_L1_1.fq.gz PKOL_EDSW220002352-1a_H25W7DSX3_L1_2.fq.gz \
    ../../../../trimmed-reads/PKOL1_1.paired.fastq ../../../../trimmed-reads/PKOL1_1.unpaired.fastq ../../../../trimmed-reads/PKOL1_2.paired.fastq ../../../../trimmed-reads/PKOL1_2.unpaired.fastq \
    ILLUMINACLIP:/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/Illumina-adapters-2017-modifiedLP.txt:2:30:10:8:true LEADING:3 TRAILING:3 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 MINLEN:50 TOPHRED33

4.2 First check with fastqc and multiqc

FastQC and MultiQC as described above

4.3 Mapping with bwa mem

module purge

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/

/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa mem -t 20 -M -R '@RG\tID:PKOL\tSM:PKOL1\tPL:ILLUMINA' /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa ./trimmed-reads/PKOL1_1.paired.fastq ./trimmed-reads/PKOL1_2.paired.fastq > ./bam-files/PKOL1_bwamem.sam 

4.5 Sort bam files

module purge
module load samtools/1.13

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files

samtools view -b PKOL1_bwamem.sam > PKOL1_bwamem.bam &
samtools sort -@ 4 -o PKOL1.bwamem.sort.bam PKOL1_bwamem.bam

4.6 Collect flagstat statistics

module purge
module load samtools/1.13

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files

samtools flagstat PKOL1.bwamem.sort.bam > PKOL1.bwamem.sort.flagstat

4.7 Remove low qulaity alignments

module purge
module load samtools/1.13

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files

samtools view -q 30 -f 0x0002 -F 0x0004 -F 0x0008 -b -o PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.bam PKOL1.bwamem.sort.bam

4.8 Remove duplicates

module purge
module load miniconda/py38_4.9.2
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda activate /scratch/lpettric/conda/picard_env

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/

picard MarkDuplicates -I PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.bam -O PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam -M PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.stat -VALIDATION_STRINGENCY SILENT -REMOVE_DUPLICATES true 

4.9 Collect Mapping statistics

Qualimap was used as described above


Already processed reads from Laura Villegas -> no further steps needed

Qualimap was obtained like described above.


Voraussetzung: phased haplotype data of single chromosomes as input

6.2 Parts of genome to be analysed

Get names of chromosomes

grep '^>' Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta | sed 's/>//' > chromosome-nr.txt

I will only use the chromosomes not the scaffolds

Index bam-files

while read f; do samtools index $f".bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam" > $f".bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam.bai" ; done < list-crip

Extract chromosome information + index

a) Extract chromosome

samtools faidx Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr1 > Chr1_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 
samtools faidx Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr2 > Chr2_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 
samtools faidx Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr3 > Chr3_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 
samtools faidx Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr4 > Chr4_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta

b) Index

/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index Chr1_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta
/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index Chr2_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta
/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index Chr3_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta
/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index Chr4_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta

6.2 Create mappability mask per chromosome using SNPable

a) Extract overlapping 145mers subsequences as artificial reads from Chr1

I have the same data as Ann-Marie so I choose the same length

/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa Chr1_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 145 | split -l 20000000
/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa Chr2_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 145 | split -l 20000000
/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa Chr3_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 145 | split -l 20000000
/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa Chr4_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta 145 | split -l 20000000

cat xaa xab xac xad xae xaf xag > Chr1_145splits.fa
cat xaa xab xac xad xae xaf > Chr2_145splits.fa
cat xaa xab xac xad xae xaf > Chr3_145splits.fa
cat xaa xab > Chr4_145splits.fa

b) Map artificial reads back to chromosomes

/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa aln -R 1000000 -O 3 -E 3 Chr1/Chr1_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr1/145mer-subsequences/Chr1_145splits.fa > Chr1/145mer-subsequences/Chr1_145splits_bwaaln.sai

c) Convert sai to sam

/home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa samse Chr1/Chr1_Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta Chr1/145mer-subsequences/Chr1_145splits_bwaaln.sai Chr1/145mer-subsequences/Chr1_145splits.fa > Chr1_145splits_bwaaln.sam

gzip Chr1_145splits_bwaaln.sam

d) Generate rawMask

gzip -dc Chr1_145splits_bwaaln.sam.gz | /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_raw_mask.pl > rawMask_Chr1_145.fa

e) Generate the final mask

gen_mask -l 145 -r 0.5 rawMask_Chr1_145.fa > mask_Chr1_145_50.fa

length 145bp stringency 0.5

f) convert final-masks to .bed using makeMappabilitMask.py change paths of input and output

6.3 Variant calling and phasing

a) Try script from msmc-tools (bamCaller.py)

Get coverage statistics per chromosome

while read f; do samtools depth -r Chr1 $f".bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam" | awk '{sum += $3} END {print sum / NR}' > $f".Chr1.cov" ; done < list-crip

repeat for every chromosome

run bamCaller.py

samtools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -C 50 -u -r <chr> -f <ref.fa> <bam> | bcftools call -c -V indels | /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/bamCaller.py <mean_cov> <out_mask.bed.gz> | gzip -c > <out.vcf.gz>

# samtools:
# q = Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used
# Q = Minimum base quality for a base to be considered.
# C = Coefficient for downgrading mapping quality for reads containing excessive mismatches. Given a read with a phred-scaled probability q of being generated from the mapped position, the new mapping quality is about sqrt((INT-q)/INT)*INT. A zero value disables this functionality; if enabled, the recommended value for BWA is 50. 
# u = uncompressed
# r = Only generate pileup in region. Requires the BAM files to be indexed. If used in conjunction with -l then considers the intersection of the two requests.
# f = fasta-ref
# bcftools:
# c = consensus-caller
# V = skip-variants snps|indels

Get summary list of coverage per chromosome per bam

awk '{print $0 "\t" FILENAME}' *.Chr1.cov > Chr1.summary

Final command: Instead of samtools use bcftools because mpielup migrated to it

module purge
module load samtools/1.13
module load python/3.4.3

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files

# Chr1
while read -r x y; do bcftools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -C 50 -r Chr1 -f /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/CRIP/crip4.0/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta $y".bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam" | bcftools call -c -V indels | /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/bamCaller.py $x $y"_mask.bed.gz" | gzip -c > $y".vcf.gz" ;done < ./mean-coverage-chromosome/Chr1.summary

--> changed script, so that it is directly bgzipped

# Chr2
while read -r x y; do bcftools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -C 50 -r Chr2 -f /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/CRIP/crip4.0/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta $y".bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam" | bcftools call -c -V indels | /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/bamCaller.py $x $y"_Chr2_mask.bed.gz" | bgzip -c > $y"_Chr2.vcf.gz" ;done < ./mean-coverage-chromosome/Chr2.summary

merge vcf.files and zip and index them (because no reference panel)

bgzip *.vcf --> bcftools only index if they are bgzipped

normal gzip wrong! need to change to bgzip

command for already existing files of Chr1:

for f in *vcf*; do zcat $f | bgzip -c > $f".bgz" ; done

check type of vcf with:

htsfile file.vcf.gz


for f in *vcf.gz; do bcftools index $f; done

you get csi index

bcftools merge --print-header *.vcf.gz    # to get header info to see if there are recurring headers
bcftools merge -O z -o merged_Chr1.vcf.gz  *.vcf.gz       

b) No reference panel, that's why we merged the vcf, now we filter to only have monoallelic and biallelic SNPs

bcftools view -M 2 -O z -o merged_biallelic_Chr1.vcf.gz
merged_Chr1.vcf.gz bcftools index merged_biallelic_Chr1.vcf.gz

c) Phasing with SHAPEIT

Shapeit4.2 was modified by Peter Heger to remove AVX2 dependency

start shapeit main run (need to load boost and samtools)

/home/lpettric/bin/shapeit4/bin/shapeit4.2 -I merged_biallelic_Chr1.vcf.gz -O ./phased/merged_biallelic_Chr1_phased.vcf.gz --sequencing --region Chr1 --log  /phased/shapeit_Chr1.log

after phasing all individuals together, seperate them again

while read f; do bcftools view -s $f -O z -o $f"_Chr1_phased.vcf.gz" merged_biallelic_Chr1_phased.vcf.gz ; done < ../../../bam-files/list-crip

vcf.gz files indexed

for f in *.vcf.gz; do bcftools index $f; done

e) Correct for missed genotypes

These files now contain the pashed alleles for each individual. However, the pre-phased files might contain more information that should not be lost.

merging phased and unphased vcfs, keeping all unphased sites from the original vcf, but replacing the phased ones

use --force-samples because phased and unphase have same headers

while read f; do bcftools merge --force-samples ../$f"_Chr1.vcf.gz" $f"_Chr1_phased.vcf.gz" | awk '
BEGIN {OFS="\t"}
$0 ~ /^##/ {print}
$0 ~ /^#CHROM/ {print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10}
$0 !~ /^#/ {
if(substr($11, 1, 3) != "./.")
$10 = $11
print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10
}' | bcftools view -O z > $f"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" ; done < ../../../bam-files/list-crip

6.4 Create input-files (multihetsep)

while read a b c d; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools//generate_multihetsep.py --mask=../$a"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=..$b"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=..$c"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=..$d"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/masking/final-mask/mask_Chr1_145_50.bed.gz \
                      $a"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" $b"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" \
                      $c"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" $d"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" > "multihetsep_"$a"_"$b"_"$c"_"$d"_Chr1.txt"; done < ../../../msmc2/list-populations

6.5 Create input file for cross-coalescence

Create multihetsep with 16 haplotypes

    module purge
    module load python/3.4.3
    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/phasing/Chr1/phased
    # 4 inidividuals per population
    while read a b c d e f g h; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools//generate_multihetsep.py --mask=../$a"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$b"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$c"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$d"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$e"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$f"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$g"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=../$h"_Chr1_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/masking/final-mask/mask_Chr1_145_50.bed.gz \
                      $a"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" $b"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" \
                      $c"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" \
                      $d"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" $e"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" $f"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" \
                      $g"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz" \
                      $h"_Chr1_phased_merged.vcf.gz"> /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/msmc2/multihetsep-Chr1/"multihetsep_"$a"-"$h"_joined_Chr1.txt"; done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/msmc2/list-populations-cc

For list-populations-cc see below:

list-populations-cc (Original ohne Nummerierung):

  1. MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 MG2 MG3 MG4 MG5

  2. MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 NMF1 NMF2 NMF3 NMF4

  3. MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4

  4. MF1 MF2 MF3 MF4 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4

  5. MG2 MG3 MG4 MG5 NMF1 NMF2 NMF3 NMF4

  6. MG2 MG3 MG4 MG5 SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4

  7. MG2 MG3 MG4 MG5 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4

  8. NMF1 NMF2 NMF3 NMF4 SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4

  9. NMF1 NMF2 NMF3 NMF4 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4

  10. SI1 SI2 SI3 SI4 SS1 SS2 SS3 SS4

6.6 Run msmc2 cross-coalescence

Example with MF1-MG5

# Create cross-coalesence of populations 
# Cheops1
module purge

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/msmc2/cross-coalescene

# MF (within1) - MG (within2)
/home/lpettric/bin/msmc2/build/release/msmc2 --skipAmbiguous -p 1*3+1*2+22*1+1*2+1*3 -t 5 -I 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 -o ./run2/within1_msmc2_MF1-MG5 ../multihetsep-Chr1/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr1.txt ../multihetsep-Chr2/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr2.txt ../multihetsep-Chr3/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr3.txt ../multihetsep-Chr4/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr4.txt &
/home/lpettric/bin/msmc2/build/release/msmc2 --skipAmbiguous -p 1*3+1*2+22*1+1*2+1*3 -t 5 -I 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 -o ./run2/within2_msmc2_MF1-MG5 ../multihetsep-Chr1/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr1.txt ../multihetsep-Chr2/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr2.txt ../multihetsep-Chr3/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr3.txt ../multihetsep-Chr4/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr4.txt &
/home/lpettric/bin/msmc2/build/release/msmc2 --skipAmbiguous -p 1*3+1*2+22*1+1*2+1*3 -t 5 -I 0-8,0-9,0-10,0-11,0-12,0-13,0-14,0-15,1-8,1-9,1-10,1-11,1-12,1-13,1-14,1-15,2-8,2-9,2-10,2-11,2-12,2-13,2-14,2-15,3-8,3-9,3-10,3-11,3-12,3-13,3-14,3-15,4-8,4-9,4-10,4-11,4-12,4-13,4-14,4-15,5-8,5-9,5-10,5-11,5-12,5-13,5-14,5-15,6-8,6-9,6-10,6-11,6-12,6-13,6-14,6-15,7-8,7-9,7-10,7-11,7-12,7-13,7-14,7-15 -o ./run2/across_msmc2_MF1-MG5 ../multihetsep-Chr1/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr1.txt ../multihetsep-Chr2/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr2.txt ../multihetsep-Chr3/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr3.txt ../multihetsep-Chr4/multihetsep_MF1-MG5_joined_Chr4.txt

Create combined cross-coalescence

module purge
module load python/3.4.3
cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/msmc2/cross-coalescene/run2
/home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/combineCrossCoal.py across_msmc2_MF1-MG5.final.txt within1_msmc2_MF1-MG5.final.txt within2_msmc2_MF1-MG5.final.txt > combinedMF1-MG5_msmc2.final.txt

Account for uncertainities

a) Form mean value for estimates of every population

b) Convert lambda and left-time-boundary to real time data

     time <- ((data$left_time_boundary+data$right_time_boundary)/2)/mu*gen) # years ago
     time2 <- ((data$left_time_boundary+data$right_time_boundary)/2)/mu) # generations ago
     pop.size <- (1/data$lambda)/(2*mu)

     mu = 4.27*10^-9
     gen = generation time = time/generations = 1 year / 10.1 generations 
     # 10.1 = mean value generations per year from Waldvogel et al. 2018 supplement
     # use genertaion time of every population!!!


c) Remove values with unrealistic lambda (jump in value) => first 5 values and last --> remove it constant across populations

d) Estimate mean haplotype length (MHL) and time to most recent ancestor (tMRCA) per population

#Cheops0 module purge module load samtools/1.13


# repeat variant calling without splitting data per chromosome, indels should be included to get correct number of records

while read y; do bcftools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -C 50 -r Chr1,Chr2,Chr3,Chr4 -f /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/CRIP/crip4.0/Chironomus_riparius_genome_010921.fasta /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/$y”.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam” | bcftools call -c | bgzip -c > $y”_allChr_inclIndel.vcf.gz” ;done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/list-crip & 
for f in *_allChr_inclIndel.vcf.gz; do bcftools index $f; done &
while read x; do bcftools view -M 2 -O z -o ./biallelic-snp/$x"_allChr_inclIndel_biallelic.vcf.gz" $x"_allChr_inclIndel.vcf.gz" ;done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/list-crip & 
cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/msmc2/callable-sites/snp-call/biallelic-snp/ & 
for f in *_allChr_inclIndel_biallelic.vcf.gz; do bcftools index $f; done & 
while read x; do bcftools stats $x"_allChr_inclIndel_biallelic.vcf.gz" >  $x"_allChr_inclIndel_biallelic.vcf.stats" ;done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/bam-files/list-crip

Biallelic filtering not neccessary => total number of SNPs - multiallelic SNPs = diallelic SNPs

  total SNPs - multiallelic SNPs = diallelic SNPs
  diallelic SNPs/number of records = Heterozygosity
  Mean Heterozygosity*100000 = X heterzygote position per 100000 bases
  100000 bases/X heterzygote position = 1 het per X bases (i.e. einfacher Dreisatz)
  X bases * SER = MHL
  1/(2*r*MHL) = tMRCA



Create multihetsep per individual for each chromosome

cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/phasing/

while read a b; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/generate_multihetsep.py --mask=$b/$a"_"$b"_mask.bed.gz" \
                      --mask=/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/masking/final-mask/"mask_"$b"_145_50.bed.gz" \
                      $b/phased/$a"_"$b"_phased_merged.vcf.gz" > /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/multihetsep-files/"multihetsep_"$a"_"$b".txt"; done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/list-crip-chr

7.2 Recombination rate needed

"I used the recombination rates from Schmidt, Hellmann, Waldvogel et al. (2020). Ann-Marie suplied me with unpublished rates for each population. These rates were in rho = 1/bp but for the eSMC2 model and the tMRCA calculations I need it it r = cM/Mb. The formula to get r would be:

r = rho/(2cNe) (Peñalba and Wolf, 2020

[""where c refers to the ploidy of the genome, Ne is the effective population size and r is the recombina-tion rate in units of meiosis per generation""]).

I follwed these steps to obtain r:

  1. Change units from 1/bp to 1/Mb

  2. Use fromula r = rho/(2cNe) to get r -> diploidy: 2, Ne: Oppold and Pfenninger 2017, supplement

  3. Relate r to the genetic map length to get cM/Mb -> genetic map length of Drosophila melanogaster: 287.3 cM (Comeron, Ratnappan et al. 2012) --> r*287.3

  4. Result is r in cM/Mb"

7.3 use recombination rate per population and don't define beta and sigma

Population r in cM/Mb

MF 1.207492754

MG 1.368095238

NMF 0.727341772

SI 1.305909091

SS 2.204860465

Mean 1.362739864


# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=4.27*10^(-9)   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=1.21*10^(-8)   # recombination rate per position per generation per population
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=2 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=F # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=T # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries

BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 

# Get data #

# example 
NC=4 # Number of analysed chromosmes
# We build the data of the 4 chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/multihetsep-files") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(chromosome in 1:4){
filename=paste("multihetsep_","MF1_",chromosome_n,".txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #

7.4 use mean rec. rate of CRIP

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=4.27*10^(-9)   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=1.36*10^(-8)   # recombination rate per position per generation of CRIP (mean value)
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=2 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=T # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=F # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries
Boxr=c(1,1) # min and max value for recombination rate
BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 

# Get data #

# example 
NC=4 # Number of analysed chromosmes
# We build the data of the 4 chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/multihetsep-files") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(chromosome in 1:4){
filename=paste("multihetsep_","MF1_",chromosome_n,".txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name


# Run analysis #


# Plot results #

7.5 use rec. rate of Drosophila melanogaster

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=4.27*10^(-9)   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=2.1*10^(-8)   # recombination rate per position per generation of Drosophila (paper Ann-Marie)
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=2 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=T # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=F # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries
Boxr=c(1,1) # min and max value for recombination rate
BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 

# Get data #

# example 
NC=4 # Number of analysed chromosmes
# We build the data of the 4 chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/multihetsep-files") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(chromosome in 1:4){
filename=paste("multihetsep_","MF1_",chromosome_n,".txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #

7.6 use recombination rate per population

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=4.27*10^(-9)   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=1.21*10^(-8)   # recombination rate per position per generation of Drosophila (from rec. rate calculator)
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=2 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=T # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=F # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries

Boxr=c(1,1) # min and max value for recombination rate
BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 

# Get data #

# example 
NC=4 # Number of analysed chromosmes
# We build the data of the 4 chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/CRIP/esmc/multihetsep-files") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(chromosome in 1:4){
  filename=paste("multihetsep_","MF1_",chromosome_n,".txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #

8 PKOL eSMC2 - 8 contigs

8.1 Parts of genome to be analysed

Index bam-file

 samtools index PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam > PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam.bai

Extract contigs information + index

a) Extract contigs

     # haplotype1

     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00000955 > tig00000955_HLNpanKol1.fa
     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00001010 > tig00001010_HLNpanKol1.fa
     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00000497 > tig00000497_HLNpanKol1.fa
     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00001214 > tig00001214_HLNpanKol1.fa

     # haplotype2

     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00000909 > tig00000909_HLNpanKol1.fa
     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00001035 > tig00001035_HLNpanKol1.fa

     # haplotype3

     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00001042 > tig00001042_HLNpanKol1.fa
     samtools faidx HLNpanKol1.fa tig00000247 > tig00000247_HLNpanKol1.fa

b) Index

      for f in *.fa; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index $f; done

8.2 Create mappability mask per chromosome using SNPable

a) Extract overlapping 150mers subsequences as artificial reads from contigs I chose maximum read length = 150

     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00000955_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000
     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00001010_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000
     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00000497_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000
     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00001214_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000

     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00000909_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000
     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00001035_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000

     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00001042_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000
     /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa tig00000247_HLNpanKol1.fa 150 | split -l 20000000

merge xa? files to one file and

    cat xa* > tig00000955_150splits.fa
    cat xa* > tig00001010_150splits.fa
    cat xa* > tig00000497_150splits.fa
    cat xa* > tig00001214_150splits.fa

    cat xa* > tig00000909_150splits.fa
    cat xa* > tig00001035_150splits.fa

    cat xa* > tig00001042_150splits.fa
    cat xa* > tig00000247_150splits.fa

b) Map artificial reads back to contigs

     while read e f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa aln -R 1000000 -O 3 -E 3 $e/$f/$f"_HLNpanKol1.fa" $e/$f/$f"_150splits.fa" > $e/$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sai"; done < list-contigs

c) Convert sai to sam

     while read e f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa samse $e/$f/$f"_HLNpanKol1.fa" $e/$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sai" $e/$f/$f"_150splits.fa" > $e/$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sam"; done < list-contigs

     while read e f; do gzip $e/$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sam"; done < list-contigs

d) Generate rawMask

     while read e f; do gzip -dc $e/$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sam.gz" | /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_raw_mask.pl > $e/$f/"rawMask_"$f"_150.fa"; done < list-contigs

e) Generate the final mask

     while read e f; do /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_mask -l 150 -r 0.5  $e/$f/"rawMask_"$f"_150.fa" > final-masks/"mask_"$f"_150_50.fa"; done < list-contigs

length 150bp stringency 0.5

f) convert final-masks to .bed using makeMappabilitMask.py change paths of input and output

     module load python/2.7.5

8.3 Variant calling

Get coverage statistics per chromosome

    while read f; do samtools depth -r $f PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam | awk '{sum += $3} END {print sum / NR}' > $f".PKOL1.depth" ; done < list-contig-names

try freebayes

    while read f; do freebayes -f /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa -p 3 -r $f bam-files/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam > vcf-files/freebayes/$f"_PKOL1_freebayes_raw.vcf" ;done < bam-files/list-contig-names

filter freebayes vcf-files (filter to only have triallelic sites)

    while read f; do bcftools view $f"_PKOL1_freebayes_raw.vcf" -i 'QUAL>10 & FORMAT/DP>2' -M 3 -V indels -O z > $f"_PKOL1_freebayes_filtered.vcf.gz" ;done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/list-contig-names    

Index files

    for f in *.vcf.gz; do bcftools index $f; done

How many variants are there?

bcftools view -H tig00001214_PKOL1_freebayes_filtered.vcf.gz | wc -l

Since I didn't use bamCaller.py, I need to create bed-masks differently!!!

See pipeline eSMC

    # Cheops1
    module purge
    module load bedtools/2.29.2

    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/

    bedtools genomecov -bga -ibam bam-files/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam -g /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa > vcf-files/freebayes/PKOL1.genomecov 

    cat vcf-files/freebayes/PKOL1.genomecov | awk '($4 > 5) && ($4 < 70 )' | bedtools merge -i - | gzip -c > vcf-files/freebayes/PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz   

    while read f; do zgrep $f vcf-files/freebayes/PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz > vcf-files/freebayes/$f"_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed" ;done < /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/list-contig-names

    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/vcf-files/freebayes

    for f in *_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed*; do gzip $f ;done

8.4 Create input-files (multihetsep)

    module purge
    module load python/3.4.3

    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/

    while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/generate_multihetsep.py --mask=vcf-files/freebayes/$f"_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz" \
                         --mask=masking/final-masks/"mask_"$f"_150_50.bed.gz" \
                         vcf-files/freebayes/$f"_PKOL1_freebayes_filtered_test.vcf.gz" > esmc/"multihetsep_"$f"_PKOL1_freebayes_test.txt"; done < bam-files/list-contig-names

8.5 R-script:

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=(5.97*10^(-10))/3   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=0   # recombination rate per position per generation 
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=3 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=F # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=T # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries

BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 
Boxr=c(3,3) # min and max value of recombination rate

# Get data #

# example 
NC=3 # Number of analysed chromosmes, here contigs, eSMC only accepts multihetsep with more than 1 entry

contig_name <- c("0247",

# We build the data of the chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/esmc") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(contig in 1:3){
  filename=paste("multihetsep_tig0000",contig_name,"_PKOL1_freebayes.txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #


9 PKOL eSMC2 - 29 contigs

9.1 Contigs

Get contig length

    seqkit fx2tab --length --name --header-line  HLNpanKol1.fa > contig-length.txt

Extract contigs longer 10 kb = 10,000 bp

all but 1

Extract contigs

    cut -f1 HLNpanKol1.fa.fai > contig-names.txt
    head contig-names.txt -n 855 > extr-contig-names.txt

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL
    while read f; do mkdir $f; done < extr-contig-names.txt

    while read f; do samtools faidx /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa $f > ./$f/$f".fa"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

    while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index ./$f/$f".fa"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

Sort bam and index -> already done

9.2 Create mappability mask per chromosome using SNPable

a) Extract overlapping 150mers subsequences as artificial reads from contigs I chose maximum read length = 150

cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL

for dir in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do for f in
$(cat extr-contig-names.txt); do cd "$dir"
/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa \$f".fa" 150 \| split
-l 20000000 cd .. done done

Rename files

for f in $(cat extr-contig-names.txt); do
  cd $f
  cat xa* > $f"_150splits.fa"
  cd ..

b) Map artificial reads back to contigs

     cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL
     while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa aln -R 1000000 -O 3 -E 3 ./$f/$f".fa" ./$f/$f"_150splits.fa" > ./$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sai"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

c) Convert sai to sam

while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa samse ./$f/$f".fa"
./$f/$f"\_150splits_bwaaln.sai" ./$f/$f"\_150splits.fa" \>
./$f/$f"\_150splits_bwaaln.sam"; done \< extr-contig-names.txt

     while read f; do gzip ./$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sam"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

d) Generate rawMask

     while read f; do gzip -dc ./$f/$f"_150splits_bwaaln.sam.gz" | /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_raw_mask.pl > ./$f/"rawMask_"$f"_150.fa"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

e) Generate the final mask

     while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_mask -l 150 -r 0.5  ./$f/"rawMask_"$f"_150.fa" > "mask_"$f"_150_50.fa"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

length 150bp stringency 0.5

f) convert final-masks to .bed using makeMappabilitMask.py change paths of input and output

     module load python/2.7.5

Modify makeMappabilitMask.py to read in .fa in a loop

filepath = "/scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/final-masks/mask_*_150_50.fa"
for filename in glob.glob(filepath):
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if line.startswith('>'):
              chr = line.split()[0][1:]
             mask = MaskGenerator("/scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/mask_{}_150_50.bed.gz".format(chr), chr)
             pos = 0
            for c in line.strip():
              pos += 1
             if pos % 1000000 == 0:
               sys.stderr.write("processing pos:{}\n".format(pos))
             if c == "3":


9.3 Variant calling

a) Get coverage statistics per chromosome

     cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/vcf
     while read f; do samtools depth -r $f /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam | awk '{sum += $3} END {print sum / NR}' > $f".PKOL.depth" ; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

get summary of contigs coverage depth

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/vcf
    awk '{print $0 "\t" FILENAME}' *.PKOL.depth > PKOL-contig-depth.summary

remove file extension

try freebayes

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/vcf
    while read f; do freebayes -f /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa \
    -p 3 -r $f /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam > $f"_PKOL1_freebayes_raw.vcf" ;done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

filter freebayes vcf-files (filter to only have triallelic sites)

  while read f; do bcftools view $f"_PKOL1_freebayes_raw.vcf" -i 'QUAL>10 & FORMAT/DP>2' -M 3 -V indels -O z > $f"_PKOL1_freebayes_QUAL10DP2.vcf.gz" ;done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

How many variants are there?

for f in *QUAL10DP2.vcf.gz; do bcftools view -H $f | wc -l ;done > variant-count-QUAL10DP2.txt
for f in *QUAL10DP2.vcf.gz; do bcftools stats -s - $f ;done > bcftools-stats-QUAL10DP2-PKOL.txt

Since I didn't use bamCaller.py, I need to create bed-masks differently!!!

See pipeline eSMC

    # Cheops1
    module purge
    module load bedtools/2.29.2

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/

    bedtools genomecov -bga -ibam /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/PKOL/bam-files/PKOL1.bwamem.sort.q30.rmd.bam -g /projects/ag-waldvogel/genomes/PKOL/HLNpanKol1.fa > PKOL1.genomecov 

    cat PKOL1.genomecov | awk '($4 > 5) && ($4 < 70 )' | bedtools merge -i - | gzip -c > PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz   

    while read f; do zgrep $f PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz > individual-masks/$f"_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed" ;done < extr-contig-names.txt

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/individual-masks

    for f in *_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed*; do gzip $f ;done

9.4 Create input-files (multihetsep)

    module purge
    module load python/3.4.3

    cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/

    while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/generate_multihetsep.py --mask=./individual-masks/$f"_PKOL1.individual.mask.bed.gz" \
                          --mask=./final-masks/"mask_"$f"_150_50.bed.gz" \
                          vcf/$f"_PKOL1_freebayes_QUAL10DP2.vcf.gz" > ./multihetsep/"multihetsep_"$f"_PKOL1_freebayes_QUAL10DP2.txt"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

Of 855 multihetsep files

812 multihetsep files empty (command: find . -type f -empty -print | wc -l or find . -size 0 | wc -l

Remove 812 empty files and keep only 43 multihetsep files with variants

find . -type f -empty -print -delete 

or interactively

find . -type f -name "*.gz" -size -20c -exec rm -i {} \;

9.5 Create list of multihetsep files left

cd /scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/multihetsep

    ls -1 >> contig-multihetsep-sum.txt

Remove file extensions to read it in R

Since model needs multihetsep with entries more than 1, you can find out which multihetsep only have one line and remove them as well

find . -name "*_QUAL10DP2.txt" -exec awk 'END { if (NR <= 1) print FILENAME }' {} \; >> multihetsep-one-line.txt

files need to be sorted

sort -o contig-multihetsep-sum.txt contig-multihetsep-sum.txt
sort -o multihetsep-one-line.txt multihetsep-one-line.txt
comm -23 contig-multihetsep-sum.txt multihetsep-one-line.txt > contig-multihetsep-sum-foreSMC.txt

or grep -Fvxf multihetsep-one-line.txt contig-multihetsep-sum.txt > contig-multihetsep-sum-foreSMC.txt

14 files with 1 line were removed 29 multihetsep files still left

9.6 re-analysed runs:

run1 0

run2 1*10^(-11)

run3 0.167*10^(-8)

run4 1*10^(-10)

run5 1*10^(-9)

run6 1*10^(-8)

R-script example

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=(5.97*10^(-10))/3   # Mutation rate per position per generation 
r=1*10^(-11)   # recombination rate per position per generation 
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=3 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=F # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=F # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=T # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries

BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 
Boxr=c(3,3) # min and max value of recombination rate

# Get data #

# example 
NC=29 # Number of analysed chromosmes, here contigs, eSMC only accepts multihetsep with more than 1 entry

contig_name <- read_tsv("/scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/multihetsep/contig-multihetsep-sum-foreSMC.txt", col_names = FALSE)
contig_name <- contig_name$X1
#contig_name <- contig_name[-(c(18,22))] # remove empty values, already done prior

# We build the data of the chromosomes
path=paste("/scratch/lpettric/contigs-PKOL/multihetsep/") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(contig in 1:3){
  filename=paste("multihetsep_",contig_name,"_PKOL1_freebayes_QUAL10DP2.txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #


10 JU765 eSMC2

10.1 Contig

Get contig length

    seqkit fx2tab --length --name --header-line  propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa > contig-length.txt

Extract contigs longer 100,000 bp

Extract contigs

    cut -f1 propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa.fai > contig-names.txt
    head contig-names.txt -n 23 > extr-contig-names.txt

    cd contigs
    while read f; do mkdir $f; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt
    cd ..
    while read f; do samtools faidx propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa $f > ./contigs/$f/$f".fa"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

    cd contigs
    while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa index ./$f/$f".fa"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

Sort bam and index

    samtools sort JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.bam > JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.sort.bam

    samtools index JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.sort.bam

Qualimap and flagstat report in directory ./bam-file Read min/max/mean length: 30 / 101 / 101.11

10.2 Create mappability mask per chromosome using SNPable

a) Extract overlapping 101mers subsequences as artificial reads from contigs I chose maximum read length = 101

for dir in `find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d`; do for f in
$(cat ../extr-contig-names.txt); do cd "$dir"
/home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/splitfa \$f".fa" 101 \| split
-l 20000000 cd .. done done

Rename files

for f in $(cat ../extr-contig-names.txt); do
  cd $f
  cat xa* > $f"_101splits.fa"
  cd ..

b) Map artificial reads back to contigs

     cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/JU765/contigs
     while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa aln -R 1000000 -O 3 -E 3 ./$f/$f".fa" ./$f/$f"_101splits.fa" > ./$f/$f"_101splits_bwaaln.sai"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

c) Convert sai to sam

     while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/bwa/bwa samse ./$f/$f".fa" ./$f/$f"_101splits_bwaaln.sai" ./$f/$f"_101splits.fa" > ./$f/$f"_101splits_bwaaln.sam"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

     while read f; do gzip ./$f/$f"_101splits_bwaaln.sam"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

d) Generate rawMask

     while read f; do gzip -dc ./$f/$f"_101splits_bwaaln.sam.gz" | /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_raw_mask.pl > ./$f/"rawMask_"$f"_101.fa"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

e) Generate the final mask

     while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/seqbility-20091110/gen_mask -l 101 -r 0.5  ./$f/"rawMask_"$f"_101.fa" > "mask_"$f"_101_50.fa"; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

length 101bp stringency 0.5

f) convert final-masks to .bed using makeMappabilitMask.py change paths of input and output

     module load python/2.7.5

10.3 Variant calling

a) Get coverage statistics per chromosome

     while read f; do samtools depth -r $f JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.sort.bam | awk '{sum += $3} END {print sum / NR}' > $f".JU765.depth" ; done < ../extr-contig-names.txt

get summary of contigs coverage depth

awk '{print $0 "\t" FILENAME}' *.JU765.depth > JU765-contig-depth.summary

remove file extension

b.1) Vaiant calling with bcftools

    module purge
    module load samtools/1.13
    module load python/3.4.3

    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/JU765

    while read e f; do bcftools mpileup -q 30 -Q 20 -C 50 -r $f -f propanagrolaimus_ju765.PRJEB32708.WBPS16.genomic.fa bam-file/JU765_refpool_merged.rmd.q30.sort.bam | bcftools call -c -V indels | /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/bamCaller.py $e vcf-files/"mask_"$f"_bamcaller.bed.gz" | bgzip -c > vcf-files/$f"_bamcaller.vcf.gz" ;done < bam-file/JU765-contig-depth.summary

How many variants are there?

for f in *.vcf.gz; do bcftools view -H $f | wc -l ;done

Filter to only have biallelic sites

    for f in *.vcf.gz; do bcftools view -M 2 -O z -o "biallelic_"$f $f; done 
    for f in biallelic_*; do bcftools index $f; done

10.4 Create input-files (multihetsep)

    module purge
    module load python/3.4.3

    cd /projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/JU765

    while read f; do /home/lpettric/bin/msmc-tools/generate_multihetsep.py --mask=vcf-files/"mask_"$f"_bamcaller.bed.gz" \
                         --mask=contigs/"mask_"$f"_101_50.bed.gz" \
                         vcf-files/"biallelic_"$f"_bamcaller.vcf.gz" > esmc/"multihetsep_"$f".txt"; done < extr-contig-names.txt

10.5 R-script

# Source function #

# Parameters # 

# Please Fill all value

mu=(8.42*10^(-10))/2   # Mutation rate per position per generation (see Laura V. poster)
r=2.51*10^(-8)   # recombination rate per position per generation (of C. elegans)
rho=r/mu # ratio recombination/mutation 
M=2 # Number of haplotypes

# Set one to TRUE (rest to FALSE) #
ER=F # True to estimate recombination rate
SF=T # True to estimate selfing rate
SB=F # True to estimate germination rate

# Set boundaries

BoxB=c(0.05,1) #  min and max value of germination rate 
Boxs=c(0,0.99) #  min and max value of selfing rate 
Boxr=c(3,3) # min and max value of recombination rate

# Get data #

# example 
contig_name <- read_tsv("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/JU765/extr-contig-names.txt", col_names = FALSE)
contig_name <- contig_name$X1
contig_name <- contig_name[-(c(18,22))] # remove value 22 (JU765_contig8815) since multihetsep is empty and value(JU765_contig996) since only one line

# We build the data of the chromosomes
path=paste("/projects/ag-waldvogel/pophistory/JU765/esmc/multihetsep-bamcaller") # Put character string of path to the multihetsep file
for(contig in 1:21){
  filename=paste("multihetsep_",contig_name,".txt",sep="") # Put character string of the multihetsep file name

NC <- length(data) # create a vector with length of number of analyzed chromosomes

# Run analysis #


# Plot results #
