
Gruvbox theme for Eclipse programs. Mirror from:

MIT LicenseMIT

Gruvbox for Eclipse based on morhetz/gruvbox

A dark theme for Eclipse.

Eclipse Configuration

Current version only have one dark theme. The hard, medium and soft variants for dark and light themes need to be implemented.

Tested on:

On Java and others languages maybe have strange colors, only tested with C and C++.



When install Darkest Dark select the Icon Designer options to, for pastel icons.

Activating theme

  1. In Eclipse, to open the desired theme selection window go to Window > Preferences > DevStyle > Color Theme.
  2. In Extras section, click import and select gruvbox-dark-theme.xml from the downloaded repository.
  3. Select Gruvbox Dark Theme from the Editor theme dropdown.
  4. Select Dark Custom from the Workbench Theme dropdown.
  5. Check Theme background in Extras section.
  6. Enter the HSL values of HSL(0, 0, 11) (equivilent of #282828 - background).
  7. Select the Pastels from Icon Colors.
  8. Click on Apply and Close.
  9. Restart Eclipse.

See Screenshot for clarifications below.

Eclipse Configuration

Touble shooting

  • If the HSL selection menu does not appear for Window theme Dark Custom, try restarting Eclipse and reopening the menu.

  • If the Darkest Dark is not listed when on the plugins go to Window > Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites, click on Add... on name put Darkest Dark Theme and location https://www.genuitec.com/updates/devstyle/ci/. And try install the plugin again.


See CONTRIBUTING.md to instruction for help to project.


MIT License