
An unofficial TypeScript client library for IKEA's DIRIGERA smart home hub

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial TypeScript client library for IKEA's DIRIGERA smart home hub.

The library is based on reverse-engineering the communication with the DIRIGERA hub. Changes to the hub's firmware may break functionality. Some of the type definitions are incomplete, and some of the methods are not tested. Feedback and contributions are welcome!

Quick start

  1. Execute npx dirigera authenticate in your terminal and follow the instructions.

  2. Save the obtained access token.

  3. [Optional] To get your device IDs, dump your Dirigera system's information as a JSON: npx dirigera dump --access-token <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>

  4. Install the library as a dependency: npm i dirigera

  5. Create a client instance in your code with the access token:

    import { createDirigeraClient } from 'dirigera'
    const client = await createDirigeraClient({
      accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',
  6. You are ready to control your devices!

    await client.lights.setIsOn({
      id: 'YOUR_DEVICE_ID',
      isOn: true,



npx dirigera help [command]


To be able to communicate with your DIRIGERA hub, you have to obtain an access token by pairing with it.

Use the following command to do this via the CLI:

npx dirigera authenticate

You'll be prompted to press the action button on the bottom of the gateway within 60 seconds. If the pairing is successful, an access token will be printed on your console.

Store the access token in a secure place, and never share it with anyone outside your household!


Use the following command to dump a JSON from your gateway. This can be useful for adding support of new devices to the library or to debug issues that may arise from device or gateway firmware changes.

npx dirigera dump --access-token YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN



You can rely on mDNS discovery to connect to the gateway without specifying an IP address.

const client = await createDirigeraClient({
  accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',

Alternatively, if mDNS discovery fails, it's possible to explicitly set the IP address.

const client = await createDirigeraClient({
  gatewayIP: 'YOUR_GATEWAY_IP',
  accessToken: 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN',

If you want to authenticate without using the CLI, you can use the following method:

const client = await createDirigeraClient()

const accessToken = await client.authenticate() // You have to press the action button on the gateway after this

To get every device, room, scene, etc. in a single object:

const home = await client.home()
const hubStatus = await client.hub.status()

await client.hub.checkFirmwareUpdate()

await client.hub.installFirmwareUpdate()

Generic device API.

const devices = await client.devices.list()

const device = await client.devices.get({

await client.devices.setCustomName({
  customName: 'A_CUSTOM_NAME',

// low level method to set attributes, use device type specific apis if possible
await client.devices.setAttributes({
  attributes: {
    // ...
  transitionTime: 5000, // optional, in milliseconds

await client.devices.startIdentifying({

await client.devices.stopIdentifying({
const airPurifiers = await client.airPurifiers.list()

const airPurifier = await client.airPurifiers.get({

await client.airPurifiers.setFanMode({
  fanMode: 'auto', // 'auto' | 'low' | 'medium' | 'high' | 'off'

await client.airPurifiers.setMotorState({
  motorState: 0, // between 0 and 50

await client.airPurifiers.setChildLock({
  childLock: true,

await client.airPurifiers.setStatusLight({
  statusLight: true,

Not tested, feedback required.

const blinds = await client.blinds.list()

const blind = await client.blinds.get({

await client.blinds.setCurrentLevel({
  blindsCurrentLevel: 0,

await client.blinds.setTargetLevel({
  blindsTargetLevel: 60,

await client.blinds.setState({
  blindsState: 'stopped', // 'stopped' | 'up' | 'down'
const controllers = await client.controllers.list()

const controller = await client.controllers.get({
const environmentSensors = await client.environmentSensors.list()

const environmentSensor = await client.environmentSensors.get({

const { currentTemperature, currentRH, currentPM25, vocIndex } =
const lights = await client.lights.list()

const light = await client.lights.get({ id: 'YOUR_DEVICE_ID' })

await client.lights.setIsOn({
  isOn: true,

await client.lights.setLightLevel({
  lightLevel: 50, // between 1 and 100
  transitionTime: 5000, // optional, in milliseconds

await client.lights.setLightColor({
  colorHue: 260, // between 0 and 359
  colorSaturation: 0.8, // between 0 and 1

await client.lights.setLightTemperature({
  colorTemperature: 2700, // between colorTemperatureMax and colorTemperatureMin

await client.lights.setStartupOnOff({
  startupOnOff: 'startOn', // 'startOn' | 'startPrevious'

Not tested, feedback required.

const motionSensors = await client.motionSensors.list()

const motionSensor = await client.motionSensors.get({

await client.motionSensors.setOnDuration({
  onDuration: 300, // in seconds, between 60 and 86400

await client.motionSensors.setScheduleOn({
  scheduleOn: true,

await client.motionSensors.setSchedule({
  schedule: {
    onCondition: {
      time: '22:00',
    offCondition: {
      time: '06:00',

await client.motionSensors.setSchedule({
  schedule: {
    onCondition: {
      time: 'sunset',
      offset: 60, // in minutes
    offCondition: {
      time: 'sunrise',
      offset: -60, // in minutes
const outlets = await client.outlets.list()

const outlet = await client.outlets.get({ id: 'YOUR_DEVICE_ID' })

await client.outlets.setIsOn({
  isOn: true,

await client.outlets.setStartupOnOff({
  startupOnOff: 'startOn', // 'startOn' | 'startPrevious'

await client.outlet.setStatusLight({
  statusLight: false,

await client.outlet.setChildLock({
  childLock: true,
const openCloseSensors = await client.openCloseSensors.list()

const openCloseSensor = await client.openCloseSensors.get({

const { isOpen, batteryPercentage } = openCloseSensor.attributes
const repeaters = await client.repeaters.list()

const repeater = await client.repeaters.get({
const speakers = await client.speakers.list()

const speaker = await client.speakers.get({

await client.speakers.setVolume({
  volume: 20, // between 0 and 100

await client.speakers.setPlayback({
  playback: 'playbackPaused', // 'playbackPlaying' | 'playbackPaused' | 'playbackNext' | 'playbackPrevious'

For a list of available icons check out DeviceSet.ts.

const deviceSets = await client.deviceSets.list()

await client.deviceSets.setIsOn({
  isOn: true,

const { id } = await client.deviceSets.create({
  name: 'A_CUSTOM_NAME',
  icon: 'lighting_chandelier',

await client.deviceSets.delete({

await client.deviceSets.update({
  name: 'A_NEW_CUSTOM_NAME',
  icon: 'lighting_cone_pendant',

await client.deviceSets.updateConfiguration({
  deviceIds: ['YOUR_DEVICE_ID'],
  roomId: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID', // optional
  remoteLinkIds: ['YOUR_REMOTE_ID'], // optional

await client.deviceSets.setAttributes({
  attributes: {
    // ...
  transitionTime: 5000, // optional, in milliseconds

For a list of available colors and icons check out Room.ts.

const rooms = await client.rooms.list()

const room = await client.rooms.get({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',

const { id } = await client.rooms.create({
  name: 'A_CUSTOM_NAME',
  icon: 'rooms_arm_chair',
  color: 'ikea_green_no_65',

await client.rooms.delete({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',

await client.rooms.update({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',
  name: 'A_NEW_CUSTOM_NAME',
  icon: 'rooms_bathtub',
  color: 'ikea_yellow_no_24',

await client.rooms.moveDevices({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',
  deviceIds: ['YOUR_DEVICE_ID'],

await client.rooms.setIsOn({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',
  deviceType: 'outlet', // optional filter by device type
  isOn: true,

await client.rooms.setAttributes({
  id: 'YOUR_ROOM_ID',
  deviceType: 'light', // optional filter by device type
  attributes: {
    // ...
  transitionTime: 5000, // optional

Scenes are a very powerful way to set up automations. Scenes can be triggered by using the application, at a scheduled time, at sunset/sunrise, by a button press on a shortcut controller or by a device event, such as an open/close sensor being triggered. Scenes can optionally also be ended at a scheduled time, a duration after they are triggered or at sunrise/sunset. The actions can set the attributes of devices or device sets, such as turning on a light.

For a list of available icons check out Scene.ts.

const scenes = await client.scenes.list()

const scene = await client.scenes.get({
  id: 'YOUR_SCENE_ID',

await client.scenes.trigger({
  id: 'YOUR_SCENE_ID',

await client.scenes.undo({
  id: 'YOUR_SCENE_ID',

// simple scene, triggerable from app
const { id } = await client.scenes.create({
  info: {
    name: 'A_CUSTOM_NAME',
    icon: 'scenes_arrive_home',
  type: 'userScene',
  actions: [
      type: 'device',
      enabled: true,
      deviceId: 'YOUR_DEVICE_ID',
      attributes: {
        // ...

// triggered and ended by time schedule
const { id: timeTriggerSceneId } = await client.scenes.create({
  info: {
    name: 'A_CUSTOM_NAME',
    icon: 'scenes_arrive_home',
  type: 'userScene',
  triggers: [
      type: 'time',
      trigger: {
        days: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'], // optional, defaults to every day
        time: '8:00',
      // optional
      endTriggerEvent: {
        type: 'time',
        trigger: {
          time: '20:00',
  actions: [
      type: 'device',
      enabled: true,
      deviceId: 'YOUR_DEVICE_ID',
      attributes: {
        // ...

await client.scenese.delete({
  id: 'YOUR_SCENE_ID',

await client.scenes.update({
  id: 'YOUR_SCENE_ID',
  // ... all the fields from the create method
const music = await client.music.get()
const users = await client.users.list()

const currentUser = await client.users.getCurrentUser()

await client.users.setCurrentUserName({
  name: 'NEW_NAME',

await client.users.delete({
  id: 'YOUR_USER_ID',

Update events

The gateway publishes events via a WebSocket. You can listen for these events with the following method:

client.startListeningForUpdates(async (updateEvent) => {

For a list of available event types, check out Event.ts.