
Shell script for backup in linux with cron functions

Primary LanguageShell


A shell script to make backups using cron. The script make it possible to

  • specify a backup scheduled interval
  • define source of backups
  • define destination of backups
  • define number of copies to retain

For a description of the backup commands, please go to the Basic commands section.

Using backup in docker containers

This backup application is used in my docker containers to make backups of vital information, for installing the application yourself please goto the Installation section in this description. The backup is included in the following docker containers

For the schedule (cron) in backup to work the container must be started as a daemon and no new start command used. Otherwise you are responsible to start the cron daemon.

In a comming release there will be instruction who do do a multihost replication of the backup data, stay tuned

There is no need to open a shell to the container to do backup configuration, this can be done with the docker exec, starting an apache container and then enable backup for the /web/html as the application writes data inside this directory.

Begin by creating the container

~$ docker run -d --name web -P nimmis/alpine-apache

executing the backup command without parameters gives list of avaliable commands

~$ docker exec web backup
creating backupdirectory /backup/2866fd20493d/backup
/usr/local/bin/backup <command> [<parameters>]

command to controll backup of database in container

Command                Information
status                 gives the status of backup (active/	disabled/number of backups/disk size)
disable                disable backup
enable                 enable backup
destination <dir>      set backup-file destination (default /	backup/<hostname>/<cmdname>)
retain <num>           set number of backup to retain
schedule <inter>       set sceduled intervall between backups (hour/day/week/month)
show                   show currently saved backups
backup                 run backup now
help                   Show this information
list                   list current directories
add <src>              add directory to backup
remove <src>           remove directory from backup

First setup which directories to do backup of, repeat for each directory

~$ docker exec web backup add /web/html

Check which directories is listed for backup

~$ docker exec web backup list
backup of /web/html, estimated size 8.0KB

Set up a backup plan, daily and retain for 30 days

~$ docker exec web backup schedule 1d
~$ docker exec web backup retain 30

Check the setting so that they are correct

~$ docker exec web backup status
Backup is disabled
Active backups 0 of maximum 30
Backup interval 1d (cron 0 0 */1 * *)
Latest backup file 
Total size of backups 4.0KB
Backup destination directory is /backup/2866fd20493d/backup

Default destination is /backup//, you can change this with

~$ docker exec web backup destination /new/directory/path

but the naming is used for the possibility to share a commong volume for all container backups, making uniq directories for earch container.

Last command to do is to activate the defined backup schema

~$ docker exec web backup enable

It is possible to add manual backups to the backup, please remember that they are counted in the number of copies to retain

~$ docker exec web backup backup
backup of /web/html, size 8.0KB compressed 4.0KB

You can always check the current status with (i have used 1m interval just to create more files)

~$ docker exec web backup status
Backup is active
Active backups 11 of maximum 30
Backup interval 1d (cron 0 0 */1 * *)
Latest backup file backup-2016_08_11_10_25.tar
Total size of backups 48.0KB
Backup destination directory is /backup/2866fd20493d/backup

and list current backups available

~$ docker exec web backup show
list of backups
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:15 backup-2016_08_11_10_15.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:16 backup-2016_08_11_10_16.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:17 backup-2016_08_11_10_17.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:18 backup-2016_08_11_10_18.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:19 backup-2016_08_11_10_19.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:20 backup-2016_08_11_10_20.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:21 backup-2016_08_11_10_21.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:22 backup-2016_08_11_10_22.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:23 backup-2016_08_11_10_23.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:24 backup-2016_08_11_10_24.tar
-rw-r--r--    1      3072 Aug 11 10:25 backup-2016_08_11_10_25.tar

To pause the backup do

~$ docker exec web backup disable

extra modules included

The following modues are included (besides the base module)


Download the scripts from the github repository either as zip or tar

Download and unpack

Download and unpack it in /tmp,

for zip

wget https://github.com/nimmis/backup/archive/master.zip
unzip master.zip
rm master.zip
cd backup-master

and for tar

wget https://github.com/nimmis/backup/archive/master.tar.gz
tar xfz master.tar.gz
rm master.tag.gz
cd backup-master

of alternative for tar

curl --sL https://github.com/nimmis/backup/archive/master.tar.gz | tar xfz -
cd backup-master

running ./install.sh

To install the scripts an installation script is used, run


command to install backup program and addons

Command                Information
help                   show this information
all                    Install backup and all addons
list                   List all addons available
backup                 Basic installation of backup scripts
<addon>                Install <addon> addon to backup

showing available backup modules

The command backup is the basecommand for backing up directories, then additional modules are added to do backups on other types of data, databases etc. Using ./install.sh list gives a list of all currently avaliable modules

./install.sh list
Module              Info
backup              base module (installs always)
backup_mysql        backup module for mysql/mariadb
backup_skel         Skeleton layout for new backup module

installing all modules

Using the command ./install.sh all, all modules are installed. This command needs permission to create and write files in /etc/ and /usr/local so it has to be run as root

sudo ./install.sh all
Installing backup
Installing backup_mysql
Installing backup_skel

The command lists all modules it installes

installing specific modules

If only one of the modules is needed, using ./install only installs that module. All backup modules need the base modules backup so it is automaticly installed

Installing the mysql bakup modules

sudo ./install.sh backup_mysql
Installing backup
Installing backup_mysql

optional, remove install directory

The install files are not needed any more so they can be removed

cd ..
rm -Rf backup-master

Konfigurationfiles in /usr/local/etc/backup

Each backupcommand as a configuration file in the directory /usr/local/etc/backup/ with the syntax < backup command name >.conf

Basic commands (applies to all modules)


>backup status
Active backups 10 of maximum 10
Backup interval 1m (cron */1 * * * *)
Latest backup file backup-2016_07_29_20_24.tar
Total size of backups 2.2MB
Backup destination directory is /backup/57375490a540


>backup enable

enable activate the cronjob to do backups with the interval defined by set-interval


>backup disable

deisable the cronjob to do backups, no backupfile is removed by this command

destination < destination directory >

>backup destination /backup/server1

destination defines where the backups should be stored, if the directory does not exist it will be created.

Default the backup directory will be set to the following directory path

/backup/<server host name>/<name of backup command>

So for the standard backup command backup on a machine with the follow hostname


will do backups to directory


The use of hostname makes it possible to use a shared volume to backup multiple hosts without overwriting other host backups

retain < copies to retain >

>backup retain 5

Defines how many backups to retain, when the defined number is reached the oldest will be removed.

Default setting i 5

schedule < backup interval >

>backup schedule 1d

This command defined the scheduled interval between the backups. The interval is defined as where units are

unit name description
m m interval i minutes
h h interval i hours
d d interval i days
M M interval i months


>backup show
list of backups
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:19 backup-2016_07_29_20_19.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:20 backup-2016_07_29_20_20.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:21 backup-2016_07_29_20_21.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:22 backup-2016_07_29_20_22.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:23 backup-2016_07_29_20_23.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:24 backup-2016_07_29_20_24.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:25 backup-2016_07_29_20_25.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:26 backup-2016_07_29_20_26.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:27 backup-2016_07_29_20_27.tar
-rw-r--r--    1    214016 Jul 29 20:28 backup-2016_07_29_20_28.tar

Shows the current backups stored at the backupdirectory


>backup backup
backup of /etc, size 1.3MB compressed 192.0KB
backup of /lib, size 3.3MB compressed 1.6MB

Execute a manual backup of the selected items (directories, databases etc)

Show one line for each backuped item with uncompressed/compressed size

Commands for /usr/local/bin/backup


Lista all directories configured for backup

backup add /etc
backup add /lib
backup list
backup of /etc, estimated size 1.3MB
backup of /lib, estimated size 3.3MB

The list show the estimated uncompessed size of the backup

remove < source directory >

Removes one directory from the list, previous backups are not affected.

backup remove /lib
removning source /lib
backup remove /notinlist
directory not in source list

add < source directory >

Add a directory to the list of directories to be backuped

backup add /lib
backup add /notadirectory
source not a directory


Check if mysql server and selected databases are accessable

This command should always be run before active backup to check that all i OK

backup_mysql check
Accessing mysql server : FAIL

This response is either because the database server is not running or the user/password selected are incorrect.

backup_mysql check
Accessing mysql server : OK

Means that the user/password is correct and the databaseserver can be accessed

If databases are specified, a check to see that they are selectable is done also

backup_mysql check
Accessing mysql server : OK
Check database information_schema : OK
Check database mysql : OK
Check database performance_schema : OK


This command shows all found databases on the database-server

backup_mysql list-db
databases available for backup


This command shows all databases scheduled for backup

backup_mysql list

Output shows that the database mysql is scheduled for backup

user < user name >

This command defined which username should be used to connect to the database.

Default value for user name is root

After changing user name and/or password check that it is correct with the command

backup_mysql check

password < password >

This command defined which password should be used to connect to the database

Default value is a blank password

To set a black password again use the command

backup_mysql password -

After changing user name and/or password check that it is correct with the command

backup_mysql check

add < database name >

This command adds the selected daatabase to the backup schema

remove < database name >

This command removes the selected database from the backup schema

using the 'all' database to add and remove databases