A react/redux generator with all the build tooling goodies.
- NodeJS
- Yeoman
- express - Server HTTP framework
- react - View layer
- redux - State management
- sass - CSS preprocessor
- react-css-modules - Scoped CSS modules
- babel - ES6/JSX compiler
- webpack - Module bundler
- mocha - Testing framework
- Hot module replacement (using webpack-hot-middleware)
- Redux time travel environment (using redux-devtools, redux-devtools-log-monitor)
- Redux action log (using redux-logger)
Install it globally:
$ npm install -g generator-redux-stack
Make a folder for your app:
$ mkdir app-name && cd app-name
Generate the scaffolding:
$ yo redux-stack
Boot up the app at http://localhost:3000:
$ npm start
If you opt in to the API server, a sample endpoint will be set up at http://localhost:3000/api/test.