
React float nav

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git clone https://github.com/uxcore/uxcore-float-nav
cd uxcore-float-nav
npm install
npm run server

if you'd like to save your install time,you can use uxcore-tools globally.

npm install uxcore-tools -g
git clone https://github.com/uxcore/uxcore-float-nav
cd uxcore-float-nav
npm install
npm run dep
npm run start

Test Case

npm run test


npm run coverage




Yes please! See the CONTRIBUTING for details.




With content wrapper.

Name Type Required Default Comments
prefixCls string no 'uxcore-float-nav' prefix classname for component
className string no '' custom classname for component
showOrderNumber boolean no true prepend order index to the nav item
width number no 260 nav's width
height number no 370 nav's height
offset object no {right: 20, bottom: 20} nav's position offset
content react element yes null place the content with anchor here
stepLength number no 50 scroll length
hoverable boolean no false enable the haverable feature


Without content wrapper.

Name Type Required Default Comments
prefixCls string no 'uxcore-float-nav' prefix classname for component
className string no '' custom classname for component
showOrderNumber boolean no true prepend order index to the nav item
width number no 260 nav's width
height number no 370 nav's height
offset object no {right: 20, bottom: 20} nav's position offset
stepLength number no 50 scroll length


Name Type Required Default Comments
title react element or string yes '' nav item's title
anchor string yes '' define the anchor
onClick function no noop trigger when nav item is clicked with two parameter(anchor, orderNumber)