
A visualizer for .shot files

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby Tests

A visualizer for .shot files created by the Decent Espresso Machine.

Visualizer is a relatively standard Ruby on Rails application with a Postgres database.

Read all about the v2 version, and feel free to join Visualizer Forum.


There is an API available. If something you would like is not there, please open a new Issue detailing your wishes.

You can read the source code or the API documentation provided by @eriklenaerts.

Authenticatication is possible via OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow with read and write scopes.

All endpoints return JSON.

If you want to create OAuth applications please contact me.


  • Ruby (Check .ruby-version for specific version)
    • Bundler (gem install bundler)
  • Postgres (>= 12)


For local development, there is nothing to configure.

When it comes to deploying, you will need to set some environment variables, namely:



  • Install Ruby gems
    $ bundle install
  • Setup database
    $ ./bin/rails db:setup
  • Running the server
    $ ./bin/dev
  • Running the tests
    $ ./bin/rails test

Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc., please open a new GitHub Issue.

Getting involved

If you're a coffee fanatic, own a Decent Espresso machine, want to learn Ruby, or want to help in whatever way you can, you're more than welcome to get involved!

But please read the Contribution Guidelines first 😊