
Program that classifies cuisine of the recipe given the ingredients

Primary LanguagePython

Cuisine classification program

Program predicting the cuisine of the recipe given the ingredients list.

Run notes

Run the cuisine_classification.py script with options:

option long option argument description
-p --predict [FILE] predicts a cuisine given the json file
consisting of list of dictionaries containing key:
"ingredients" - list of ingredients
"id" - recipe id
the result is written into the file specified by
-out-file and is in .csv format
-h --help shows this message
-t --train [FILE] trains the neural network with the new data
[FILE] format should be .json list of dictionaries
containing keys:
"cuisine" - string
"ingredients" - list of ingredients
default file path is ./input/train.json
-e --epochs [NUM] changes the number of epochs executed during training
default is 10
-c --cuisines shows list of cuisines that the program is able to identify
-o --out-file [FILE] specifies the out file name for predictions

Training data examples

Additional informations

Current accuracy is ~77% but can go up to ~96% with more train time.