
Data Pipeline for COVID-19 Vaccination in Brazil | Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree Capstone Project

Primary LanguagePython


Main repository for Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree Capstone Project - COVID-19 Vaccination in Brazil.


This project implements an automated data pipeline to ingest and model vaccination data from the Brazilian government.

Data sources

Two data sources are used:

Data modeling

The output of the pipeline is a dimensional model comprised of one fact table for vaccinations and dimensions for patients, facilities, vaccines, cities, cities and calendar.

Expand to see the data dictionary for each table
vaccination_sk text Unique identifier of the event
patient_sk text Unique identifier of the patient
facility_sk text Unique identifier of the facility
vaccine_sk text Unique identifier of the vaccine
city_sk text Unique identifier of the city
vaccination_date timestamptz When the vaccination was applied
vaccinations_count integer 1 denoting one vaccination per event
patient_sk text Unique identifier of the patient
patient_id text Unique identifier of the patient (natural key)
patient_age integer Age of the patient at the time of vaccination
patient_birth_date text Birth date (some cleaning is needed to covert to date - use age instead)
patient_biological_gender_enum text Gender acronym
patient_skin_color_code text Skin color code
patient_skin_color_value text Skin color description
patient_address_city_ibge_code text Address city code
patient_address_city_name text Address city name
patient_address_state_abbrev text Address state abbreviation
patient_address_country_code text Address country name
patient_address_country_name text Address country code
patient_address_postal_code text Address postal code
patient_nationality_enum text Nationality acronym
vaccination_category_code text Vaccination category (elderly, healthcare workers, etc) code
vaccination_category_name text Vaccination category (elderly, healthcare workers, etc) name
vaccination_subcategory_code text Vaccination subcategory (age group, type of job, etc) code
vaccination_subcategory_name text Vaccination subcategory (age group, type of job, etc) name
facility_sk text Unique identifier of the facility
facility_code text Unique identifier of the facility (natural key)
facility_registration_name text Formal registration name ("Razão Social")
facility_fantasy_name text Fantasy registration name ("Nome Fantasia")
facility_city_code text City IBGE code
facility_city_name text City name
facility_state_abbrev text State abbreviation
vaccine_sk text Unique identifier of the vaccine
vaccination_dose_description text First, second or single dose
vaccine_type_code text Vaccine type code
vaccine_type_name text Vaccine type name
vaccine_batch_code text Vaccine manufacture batch code ("Lote")
vaccine_manufacturer_name text Vaccine manufacturer name
vaccine_manufacturer_reference_code text Vaccine manufacturer code
city_sk text Unique identifier of the city
state text State abbreviation
state_ibge_code text State IBGE code
city_ibge_code text City IBGE code (7 digits)
city text City name
estimated_population integer Estimated population
cropped_city_ibge_code text Adjusted city code (6 digits)
full_date timestamptz Full date
day integer Day of the month number
week integer Week of the year number
month integer Month number
year integer Year number
weekday integer Weekday number

This structure enables answering questions such as:

  • Which states/cities present the best vaccination per capta?
  • How is the vaccination pace evolving over time?
  • What types of vaccines are being applied?
  • How many people are late to take the second dose?

Example analyses

The charts below were built using the dimensional model produced by the pipeline. Below each chart is the query used, for reference.

Q: Which states present the best vaccination per capta? Cumulative vaccinations per capta

Comment: The state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) is performing best among the six states evaluated by a significant margin.

Expand to see query used
with state_populations as
    -- Pre-aggregate population by state before joining
        sum(estimated_population) as state_population
    group by 

daily_vaccinations as
        dca.full_date as vaccination_date,
        dfa.facility_state_abbrev as state,
        max(pop.state_population) as state_population,
        sum(fva.vaccinations_count) as daily_vaccinations
        fact_vaccinations fva
        inner join
        dim_calendar dca on fva.vaccination_date = dca.full_date
        inner join
        dim_facilities dfa on fva.facility_sk = dfa.facility_sk
        inner join
        state_populations pop on dfa.facility_state_abbrev = pop.state
    group by

cumulative_daily_vaccinations as
        sum(daily_vaccinations) over (
            partition by state 
            order by vaccination_date 
            rows between unbounded preceding and current row
        )::float as cumulative_daily_vaccinations 

    cumulative_daily_vaccinations / state_population as cumulative_daily_vaccinations_per_capta

Q: How is the vaccination pace evolving over time? Cumulative vaccinations per capta Comment: Almost all six states present the same pattern of reducing the pace of vaccinations in June. This might be related to the vaccine production delays that have impacted the whole country during the period.

Expand to see query used
with state_populations as
    -- Pre-aggregate population by state before joining
        sum(estimated_population) as state_population
    group by 

daily_vaccinations_per_capta as
        dca.full_date as vaccination_date,
        dfa.facility_state_abbrev as state,
        sum(fva.vaccinations_count)::float / max(pop.state_population) as vaccinations_per_capta
        fact_vaccinations fva
        inner join
        dim_calendar dca on fva.vaccination_date = dca.full_date
        inner join
        dim_facilities dfa on fva.facility_sk = dfa.facility_sk
        inner join
        state_populations pop on dfa.facility_state_abbrev = pop.state
    group by

    avg(vaccinations_per_capta) over (
        partition by state 
        order by vaccination_date 
        rows between 29 preceding and current row
    ) as rolling_avg_30_days 

Q: What types of vaccines are being applied? Weekly vaccinations per type Comment: Coronavac was the main vaccine from the start up until May. Then, AstraZeneca became the major type being applied. We can observe the growth of Pfizer and Janssen in the most recent months. Note: Contains only the data from states AC, MA, PE, PR, RS and SC.

Expand to see query used
    date_trunc('week', dca.full_date) as period,
    -- normalize vaccine type
        when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%butantan%' then 'Coronavac'
        when (lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%astrazeneca%'
              or lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%covishield%') then 'AstraZeneca'
        when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%pfizer%' then 'Pfizer'
        when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%janssen%' then 'Janssen'
        else dva.vaccine_type_name
    end as vaccine_type,
    sum(fva.vaccinations_count) as total_vaccinations
    fact_vaccinations fva
    inner join
    dim_calendar dca on fva.vaccination_date = dca.full_date
    inner join
    dim_vaccines dva on fva.vaccine_sk = dva.vaccine_sk
    dva.vaccine_type_name != 'Pendente Identificação'  -- exclude not identified (<1%)
group by

Q: How many people are late to take the second dose? Late to 2nd dose Coronavac Comment: Around 370k patients have taken the first dose but are late to take the second. This represents 6.7% of the total patients who took Coronavac. Note: Contains only the data from states AC, MA, PE, PR, RS and SC.

Expand to see query used
with dim_vaccines_normalized as
         -- normalize vaccine type
            when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%butantan%' then 'Coronavac'
            when (lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%astrazeneca%'
                  or lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%covishield%') then 'AstraZeneca'
            when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%pfizer%' then 'Pfizer'
            when lower(dva.vaccine_type_name) like '%janssen%' then 'Janssen'
            else dva.vaccine_type_name
        end as vaccine_normalized_type
        dim_vaccines dva

vaccinations_with_weeks_since_column as
        datediff(week, vaccination_date, current_date) as weeks_since_vaccination,
        fact_vaccinations fva
        inner join
        dim_vaccines_normalized dva on fva.vaccine_sk = dva.vaccine_sk
        dva.vaccine_normalized_type = 'Coronavac'

patients_already_took_two_doses as
    group by
        count(*) > 1

patients_who_took_only_first_and_are_late_to_take_2nd as
        weeks_since_vaccination >= 5  -- recommended interval is 4 weeks - tolerance of 1 more
        vaccination_dose_description = '1ª Dose'
        patient_sk not in (select patient_sk from patients_already_took_two_doses)

unioned as
    select 'All patients' as category, count(distinct patient_sk) as unique_patients_count from vaccinations_with_weeks_since_column
    union all
    select 'Already took 2 doses ', count(distinct patient_sk) from patients_already_took_two_doses
    union all
    select 'Late to take 2nd dose', count(distinct patient_sk) from patients_who_took_only_first_and_are_late_to_take_2nd


unioned_with_pct as
        round(100*(unique_patients_count::float / max(unique_patients_count) over ()), 2) as pct_of_total

select * from unioned_with_pct
order by 1


Below is the overview of the pipeline: Pipeline diagram

The data pipeline was automated using Airflow. It is comprised of four major steps:

  1. Extract data from the sources to S3: for vaccinations API this is done using the Singer standard. The Open Data SUS tap was developed from scratch as part of the project. The S3 CSV target was adapted from existing one. For the population data, a standalone Shell script was used. Airflow BashOperator was used to run the extractions.
  2. Load data from S3 to Redshift: use of COPY statement with custom built operators (CopyCsvToRedshiftOperator and CopyCsvToRedshiftPartionedOperator).
  3. Transform data into dimensional model: transformations were done using SQL on top of Redshift, using layers of processing (raw, staging and dimensional) and the custom built operator RedshiftQueryOperator.
  4. Data quality checks: implemented using SQL with custom operator DataQualityOperator that compares the test query result with the expected value provided by the user.

Below is the graph view of the DAG:

DAG graph

And here is the Gantt view of a complete execution:

DAG Gantt

Setup instructions


Install local Python env

make install-infra

Define the following enviroment variables

# Tip: add this snippet to your bash profile (e.g. ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc if you use ZSH)
export UDACITY_AWS_KEY="..."
export UDACITY_REDSHIFT_HOST="my-host.something-else.redshift.amazonaws.com"
export AIRFLOW_UID=1000
export AIRFLOW_GID=0

Create Redshift cluster

make create-cluster

When finished using the cluster, remember to delete it to avoid unexpected costs:

Delete Redshift Cluster

make delete-cluster


Airflow was configured using Docker following this reference. Make sure you provide enough resources for your containers (at least 4 CPU cores and 4 GB of RAM).

Build customized image:

make image

Start Airflow services:

make airflow

Open UI at http://localhost:8080/home using login credentials as user airflow and password airflow.

Note 1: this Airflow setup is for development purposes. For production deployment some additional configurations would be needed (see this reference).

Note 2: some Airflow environment variables were customized in docker-compose.yaml, namely:

AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES: 'false'  # don't load dag examples
AIRFLOW__WEBSERVER__RELOAD_ON_PLUGIN_CHANGE: 'true'  # reload plugins as soon as they are saved
AIRFLOW_CONN_REDSHIFT: postgres://...  # custom connection URI using the env vars instead of using UI


  1. Not all Brazilian states are covered. Just a few were selected to use as an example. They amount to over 25 million rows in the fact table which fulfills the Udacity project requirement of 1 million.
  2. A custom Airflow image was created to enable having a second Python installation in the container. This was needed to run the tap and target without conflicts with Airflow's main one.
  3. The DAG was left without schedule, since it was manually triggered during development. The suggested schedule to run in production would be @daily.
  4. A partitioned load approach by year_month and state_abbrev is implemented and can be used in case of daily runs. For development purposes only the load all operator was used since the Redshift cluster was recreated every time.
  5. The Vaccinations API uses Elasticsearch as engine. The developed tap made use of ES client libraries to enable easier interaction with the endpoints.

Future work

These are some of the further improvements that can be made to the project:

  • (Done) Change incremental extractions to be daily instead of monthly to reduce total execution time (currently around 30 minutes)
  • Perform further cleaning steps in stage layer to enable easier analysis queries (e.g. normalizing vaccine type names)
  • Simplify DataQualityOperator usage by providing predefined tests (e.g. uniqueness, not null, etc)
  • Clean DAG definition by using default arguments in operators more wisely
  • Generalize infrastructure-as-code scripts and/or adopt YAML-based configuration instead of using Python, to enable higher reproducibility and customization

Addressing other scenarios

  • The data was increased by 100x. The expected impact would be the DAG taking 100x longer to finish, mostly due to the extract step which is the bottleneck. A possible approach to compensate the longer duration would be partitioning and paralelizing the load using some additional attribute such as city, day or hour - currently the data is partitioned by year_month and state_abbrev. The choice of new partitions or incremental criteria would depend on how the data increased (e.g. more events per day? More cities performing vaccinations? More attributes about each event?)
  • The pipelines would be run on a daily basis by 7 am every day. The DAG is already implemented having a daily schedule in mind. For example, the extraction is done only for the latest year_month and the CopyCsvToRedshiftPartionedOperator is available to load only a specific partition (it is currenly commented). So the only change would be setting the schedule parameter and uncommenting this operator to be used for the vaccinations data.
  • The database needed to be accessed by 100+ people. In order to support such demand, Redshift cluster configuration would need to be changed. Specifically, the number of nodes would be increased and, depending on the load, their sizes would need to be increased as well.

Built with

  • Airflow - Pipeline automation and orchestration
  • AWS Redshift - Used as Data Warehouse
  • AWS S3 - Staging storage for data sources
  • Singer - Used as the standard to write the extraction systems
  • boto3 - Used to interact with AWS in infrastructure-as-code scripts
  • Redash - BI tool used for the charts


This project used AWS credits provided as part of the Udacity Data Engineering Nanodegree course.