creating a simple IRC server

Primary LanguageC++


ft_irc is a project where you create your own Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server. This is a remarkable opportunity to learn about network protocols, non-blocking I/O operations, and low-level programming in C++.

Table of Contents

  1. About
  2. Installation
  3. Usage


ft_irc is a project where you'll build an IRC server in C++. The server should support multiple clients, allow for authentication, setting a nickname, a username, joining a channel, and sending/receiving private messages.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/lpincoli/FT_IRC42.git
  2. Move to the project's directory:
    cd FT_IRC42
  3. Compile the project:


Launch your IRC server from the command line after running 'make'. You'll need to provide a port number and a password for client connections. Example:

./ircserv 6667 mypassword

⚠️ Note that this is only a server, you'll need a client to connect to it if you want to try the program properly.


  • Support multiple clients
  • Authentication, set a nickname, a username
  • Join a channel
  • Send and receive private messages
  • Distinguish between operators and regular users
  • Implement specific commands for channel operators


For more information about the project, read the subject file.