
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Running locally

This project uses the Maven Cargo plugin to run Essentials, the CMS and site locally in Tomcat.
From the project root folder, execute:

    mvn clean verify
    mvn -P cargo.run

By default this includes and bootstraps repository data from the repository-data/development module,
which is deployed by cargo to the Tomcat shared/lib.
If you want or need to start *without* bootstrapping the development data, for example when testing
against an existing repository, you can specify the *additional* Maven profile without-development-data to do so:

    mvn -P cargo.run,without-development-data

This additional profile will modify the target location for the development module to the Tomcat temp/ folder so that
it won't be seen and picked up during the repository bootstrap process.

Access the Hippo Essentials at <http://localhost:8080/essentials>.
After your project is set up, access the CMS at <http://localhost:8080/cms> and the site at <http://localhost:8080/site>.
Logs are located in target/tomcat8x/logs

Building distributions

To build Tomcat distribution tarballs:

    mvn clean verify
    mvn -P dist
    mvn -P dist-with-development-data

The `dist` profile will produce in the /target directory a distribution tarball, containing the main deployable wars and
shared libraries.

The `dist-with-development-data` profile will produce a distribution-with-development-data tarball, also containing the
repository-data-development jar in the shared/lib directory. This kind of distribution is meant to be used for
deployments to development environments, for instance local deployments or deployments to a continuous integration (CI)
system. (Initially, this module contains only "author" and "editor" example users for use in testing. Other data must be
placed in this module explicitly by developers, for demo or testing purposes, etc.)

See also src/main/assembly/*.xml if you need to customize the distributions.

Using JRebel

Set the environment variable REBEL_HOME to the directory containing jrebel.jar.

Build with:

    mvn clean verify -Djrebel

Start with:

    mvn -P cargo.run -Djrebel

Best Practice for development

Use the option `-Drepo.path=/some/path/to/repository` during start up. This will avoid
your repository to be cleared when you do a mvn clean.

For example start your project with:

    mvn -P cargo.run -Drepo.path=/home/usr/tmp/repo

or with jrebel:

    mvn -P cargo.run -Drepo.path=/home/usr/tmp/repo -Djrebel

Hot deploy

To hot deploy, redeploy or undeploy the CMS or site:

    cd cms (or site)
    mvn cargo:redeploy (or cargo:undeploy, or cargo:deploy)

Automatic Export

Automatic export of repository changes to the filesystem is turned on by default. To control this behavior, log into
<http://localhost:8080/cms/console> and press the "Enable/Disable Auto Export" button at the top right. To set this
as the default for your project edit the file

Monitoring with JMX Console
You may run the following command:


Now open the local process org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start