
Primary LanguageJavaScript

JSMM • JavaScript MIDIMessage

JSMM is will be a JavaScript library providing an API for generating MIDIMessage. At the moment it´s still a proof of concept.


Building a simple pluggable API to generate channel and sysex MIDIMessage. The library would provide both low and high levels way to build message; my main idea is to use this library to help the usage of the WEB MIDI API. ##What about now?##

A skeleton and a proof of concept, just start the development. The source provide two classes:

  • CommonMIDIMessage: provide generic Channel Message s likemidiMessage.NoteOn({note, velocity, channel}), a low level midiMessage.ChannelMessage(command, dataOne, dataTwo), a generic low level midiMessage.SysEx(manufacturerId, data) and a utility midiMessage.statusBytes(command, channel)
  • Generator: the generator holds the midiMessage new Generator(MIDIMessage) (default to CommonMIDIMessage). You can call method of the midi message directly from Generator.mm
var g = new JSMM.Generator();
g.ChannelMessage('NoteOn', {note:60, velocity:70});
g.mm.NoteOn({note:60, velocity:70});
  • WaldorfM2MidiMessage: a first attempt to test how pluggable JSMM is


Mainly my lack of hardware, secondly I love to play around WEB AUDIO/MIDI API. ##Thanks so far##

grimmdude: my js-midi interest started from his MidiWriterJS • kjub: for the great insights • paco: for js suggestions