
Explanation and proposal. 0xSLR is a proposal to transition some of the advantages of the current SolarCoin blockchain over to an ERC20 standard. It is intended to work with the current SLR native blockchain ecosystem. This is not an ICO or a security. It is a new commodity produced by solar energy production verification and logging of that energy itself. For x-amount of solar energy produced, x-amount of 0xSLR are minted as new ERC20 commodities.


Whitepaper Version 1.01


0xSLR is a proposal to transition some of the advantages of the current SolarCoin blockchain over to an ERC20 standard. It is intended to work with the current SLR native blockchain ecosystem. This is not an ICO or a security. It is a new commodity produced by solar energy production verification and logging of that energy itself. For x-amount of solar energy produced, x-amount of 0xSLR are minted as new ERC20 commodities. Due to the large developer ecosystem that has evolved in the Ethereum community, 0xSLR can take advantage of all of these new tools to transact, transfer and also be utilized in the smart contracts increasingly being used in the electricity generation, distribution and retail sectors. The name 0xSLR is derived from a combination of the name of the decentralized and Proof-of-stake commodity SLR with the term ‘0x’ which implies that the asset lives on the Ethereum Network.

The basis of 0xSLR is taking inspiration from the 0xbitcoin project, where more details can be found here with one notable key difference; 0xSLR's are not mined by a proof-of-work (POW) mechanism but they are minted by verifying the amount of solar energy produced at an x,y,z location.

0xSLR is an open source community project, not led by an official team or corporation, and therefore does not have ICO capital or other vast amounts of currency/capital that a centralized token project would have. We believe as a community that decentralization is the true flavor of the blockchain and that is the architecture that provides open and transparent trust for users.


It is proposed that the additional project be setup in parallel to the current native SLR chain and 0xbitcoin style mining begins on the new 0xSLR token. This would begin a roadmap so that the SLR community can study the proposed new Proof-of-log (POL) protocol which would eventually replace the 0xbitcoin mining of the ERC20 tokens for 0xSLR.

In parallel, Ethereum is also planning to transition to a proof-of-stake model in early 2020 so this new project would also list that as a dependancy.