Pybookie is booking client based on multiagent systems that provides analyisis of teams and reccomends betting options.
It consists of one master and N client agents that comunicate with each other.
Master agent analyizes teams based on data from 2014 WC in Brazil: https://github.com/openfootball/world-cup
##Configuration instructions Required:
Python 2.7
##Installation instructions
~ configure.py localhost
~ runspade.py
~ python client.py
~ python server.py
##Future work
- implementation of last 10 games for specific team
- get goals for currently active players
- add wikipedia support
##Credits and acknowledgements
Author: lovro_p
v 1.0 - 5.6.2016 - Initial version made for VAS (Višeagentni sustavi - Multiagent systems - faculty of organization and informatics 2016)
###Copyright and licensing information Apache licence