
PHP script that accepts an Evernote export (ENEX) file and produces a folder of plain text documents.

Primary LanguagePHP


PHP script that accepts an Evernote export (ENEX) file and produces a folder of plain text documents.

Please see comment at top of script for configuration and usage instructions.

Note about non-breaking spaces

I've found out the hard way that ENEX exports often contain non-breaking space characters (0xA0) that you may not notice right away because they look like regular spaces. This script does not remove them, so be aware that they might exist.

About this fork

This enex-dump is a fork of the original panicsteve/enex-dump.

The changes are as follows:

  • Add space and characters that is not allowed in filename on Windows to replace on sanitizing title
  • Parse en-note content as HTML using soundasleep/html2text
  • Add footer that includes creation timestamp to output text
  • Output *.md files
    • Insert # before title
    • Insert ``` before and after content (if the content doesn't seem Markdown)