This is my personal repos to build Packet Tracer container on Fedora (running Xorg not Wayland).
- Packet Tracer is only supported on Ubuntu so I'm building a Ubuntu container with Podman.
- Packet Tracer has a mandatory login process ( so I added firefox.
- Also added a missing qt5 lib for version 8.2.1.
Install the application with Podman:
Note you need to accept EULA (End-User-License-Agreement) from Cisco to install the software on your system. A dialog will show up during the installation.
The script will run a container then create a local image with Packet Tracer installed.
You can then use that image to run a container with the application already installed: tags are editable on top of the script (variables).
Signup or login to to download the Ubuntu version.
You should get a .deb file (e.g Packet_Tracer821_amd64_signed.deb).
mkdir tmp && cd tmp
git clone .
cp ~/Downloads/Packet_Tracer821_amd64_signed.deb .
chmod +x ./
# Example with shared volume '/home/share' from host as '/SHARE' inside container (e.g import labs you download into Packet Tracer)
podman run --name <CONTAINER NAME> -dt -e DISPLAY -v /home/share:/SHARE:Z -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --security-opt label=type:container_runtime_t <LOCAL IMAGE NAME>
podman exec <CONTAINER NAME> packettracer
# ==> bashr: alias packettracer='podman start <CONTAINER NAME> && podman exec <CONTAINER NAME> packettracer ; podman stop <CONTAINER NAME>'