
F# utility for downloading chats from Twitch

Primary LanguageF#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


F# utility for downloading chats from Twitch. This solution uses v5 of the Twitch API.


  • .NET Core SDK
  • Twitch credentials (Client ID + Token)


Add path to your NuGet packages at the top of the Script.fsx file. See default locations for global packages

#I "/Users/<YOUR-USER-NAME>/.nuget/packages"

At the end of Script.fsx, add the following code. The sample below downloads the full chat for a specified video. Downloading starts at second 0. The chat is downloaded at 60 second intervals and keeps appending the results to the list of comments, which initially is empty. Then, a Chat object is created and stored in a file called chat.json.

open System.IO

let videoId:VideoId = "YOUR-VIDEO-ID"
let credentials = Both ("YOUR-CLIENT-ID",("OAuth","YOUR-TOKEN"))

let videoUrl:Url =
    sprintf "https://api.twitch.tv/v5/videos/%s" videoId

let videoDetails = getVideoAsync videoUrl credentials |> Async.RunSynchronously

let comments =
    downloadChat videoId credentials videoDetails.Duration 0 60 []

let fullChat = { Comments = comments }

File.WriteAllText("chat.json", (fullChat |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject))

Then, in the command line, run

dotnet fsi exec Script.fsx