
Command line system information display utility for Linux systems built with .NET.

Primary LanguageF#MIT LicenseMIT


Command line system information display utility for Linux systems built with .NET (F#).

Fitch CLI Tool

Generic badge

NOTE: This application should work on most Linux systems. However, it's only been tested on the following distributions:

  • Arch
    • Manjaro
  • Debian
    • Ubuntu
  • NixOS. For additional guidance, see this article.




Install from nuget


Installation is as easy as:

dotnet tool install --global fitch

Build from source


  1. Clone fitch repo in your Linux machine

    git clone https://github.com/lqdev/fitch.git && cd fitch
  2. Add these lines inside <PropertyGroup> in the fitch.fsproj file


    This will generate a single executable file with all the dependencies included, a single executable file it's not supported in Nuget yet, so we need to do this manually.

  3. Run the script Setup.sh



    Running this script will generate an executable called fitch in the bin/Release/net8.0/linux-x64/publish directory and copy it to the /usr/bin/ directory, so you can run the application from anywhere in your system.

Run application

  1. For both cases just type fitch in your terminal

  2. (Optional) Add the fitch command to your shell config file to start when your shell starts


  • Enable customization through config file


This project was inspired by Nitch, Neofetch and made with WSL 🐧