- agentai
- alwayschasingBei Jing
- borayolo
- BurrocodeChina
- chmx0929Weibo
- collinyao
- daluziChongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence
- demonbibi
- DreamLee0625
- Fay321
- Geek-Yang-Zhe
- ghostHBL
- heavendaiBaidu Inc.
- HitLiuLu
- hungminhsu
- hynalzju
- IreneZihuiLiYale University
- jeakonMicrosoft
- lqfarmerTencent
- O-oBigFaceKnowledge Graph Comprehension and Exertion Laboratory
- ORZisemoji
- pobei
- poson
- qianrenjian北京
- ShenRong
- shshlzh
- sjb961121SEU
- sunruina2Beijing
- wjlpkuPeking University
- world4jason
- wuhaiyangit
- wuwenjie1992
- xrb92Tsinghua University -> Tencent
- ZhangC2Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- zhangsheaFudan University
- zzzzzwm