
One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing, written in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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HttpRunner is a simple & elegant, yet powerful HTTP(S) testing framework. Enjoy! ✨ 🚀 ✨

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Design Philosophy

Key Features

  • Inherit all powerful features of requests, just have fun to handle HTTP(S) in human way.
  • Define testcase in YAML or JSON format, run with pytest in concise and elegant manner.
  • Record and generate testcases with HAR support.
  • Supports variables/extract/validate/hooks mechanisms to create extremely complex test scenarios.
  • With debugtalk.py plugin, any function can be used in any part of your testcase.
  • With jmespath, extract and validate json response has never been easier.
  • With pytest, hundreds of plugins are readily available.
  • With allure, test report can be pretty nice and powerful.
  • With reuse of locust, you can run performance test without extra work.
  • CLI command supported, perfect combination with CI/CD.


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金牌赞助商(Gold Sponsor)


霍格沃兹测试开发学社是业界领先的测试开发技术高端教育品牌,隶属于测吧(北京)科技有限公司 。学院课程由一线大厂测试经理与资深测试开发专家参与研发,实战驱动。课程涵盖 web/app 自动化测试、接口测试、性能测试、安全测试、持续集成/持续交付/DevOps,测试左移&右移、精准测试、测试平台开发、测试管理等内容,帮助测试工程师实现测试开发技术转型。通过优秀的学社制度(奖学金、内推返学费、行业竞赛等多种方式)来实现学员、学社及用人企业的三方共赢。


开源服务赞助商(Open Source Sponsor)


HttpRunner is in Sentry Sponsored plan.


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