- 2
- 9
- 7
Export named 'default' is not provided
#120 opened by lukaszflorczak - 2
It is not a ponyfill!
#184 opened by iegik - 1
replace is not defined, error thrown at var preProcessedHeaders = rawHeaders.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' ');
#181 opened by datasmithadvtech - 0
cross-fetch does not work in service workers of webextensions bundled with Vite
#180 opened by pate313373 - 0 not working!
#179 opened by acarvajal-saatva - 1
Response.json is not defined
#178 opened by undsoft - 13
Cross fetch throw an error [ReferenceError: XMLHttpRequest is not defined]
#142 opened by yasirrafiq33 - 1
Add support for agent property from node-fetch
#176 opened by RikudouSage - 1
Could not catch Premature close error
#175 opened by kaliubuntu0206 - 1
- 0
- 0
Question: does global declaration need to be kept
#172 opened by Moumouls - 1
res.json() Error type instance
#170 opened by mharj - 2
- 0
Webpack warning: "export 'default' (imported as 'fetch') was not found in 'cross-fetch'
#127 opened by SofianeDjellouli - 2
cross-fetch throws a "FetchError" but I can't find where "FetchError" is defined
#139 opened by TimDaub - 1
logging feature: how could i see detailed logging of the requests that are being done for the purpose of debugging
#153 opened by andreidiaconescu - 3
- 0
Fails to load polyfill using native node ESM
#110 opened by perrin4869 - 0
Does not work in browser? (needs es module version?)
#149 opened by daKmoR - 1
Use node-fetch options on-demand
#117 opened by undergroundwires - 3
TypeError: data.getReader is not a function
#165 opened by louis030195 - 6
#156 opened by Lomilar - 0
failed reason: connect ETIMEDOUT
#154 opened by arthurvanl - 2
Document Enhancement Suggestion: No Experimental Native Fetch in Node, Not an Issue Per Se
#155 opened by lgants - 1
GitHub Sponsors?
#119 opened by kiwicopple - 1
localhost is not resolving to
#152 opened by dmtrKovalenko - 2
Types for the polyfill?
#148 opened by segevfiner - 1
- 8
- 1
- 0
- 9
update to node-fetch@3
#118 opened by jimmywarting - 4
Who to contact for security issues
#122 opened by JamieSlome - 10
Please allow minor and patch updates
#129 opened by janaagaard75 - 4
Potential security vulnerability
#134 opened by ranjit-git - 1
- 1
Help mocking cross-fetch with Jest
#131 opened by ellier - 2
- 1
Update node-fetch to v3.1.1 or above
#126 opened by humble-barnacle001 - 0
Allow patch releases for node-fetch
#123 opened by anton-kazlouski - 0
- 2
No `Response.body` ReadableStream?
#121 opened by Cobertos - 1
- 4
node-fetch v3 is out
#115 opened by etodanik - 3
dependency issue
#114 opened by geco - 3
- 0
Incompatible with Vite / SvelteKit
#109 opened by autr