
A web application for atomistic modelling of coiled coils and collagens.

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT

CCBuilder 2

An interactive web app for atomistic modelling of coiled coils and collagens

Version 2.0.4 (2nd May, 2018), Woolfson Group, University of Bristol

Python Version MIT licensed

This repository contains the source code for CCBuilder 2. You can access the live application here. It is recommended that you use this version of CCBuilder, but if you do require the previous version, it is still available here.

Powered by ISAMBARD!

Model building and optimisation in CCBuilder 2.0 is powered by ISAMBARD. If you'd like to perform model building on a larger scale, or if you'd like to build more complex models of coiled coils, collagens or other parameterisable protein folds, you can use ISAMBARD directly on you local computing resource. A range of documentation and tutorial material is availble to help you get started.

Citing CCBuilder 2.0

Any publication arising from use of the ISAMBARD software package should cite the following reference:

Wood CW and Woolfson DN (2017) CCBuilder 2.0: Powerful and accessible coiled-coil modelling, Protein Science. doi: 10.1002/pro.3279

Contact Information

I am no longer a member of the Woolfson group, but I do still actively maintain CCBuilder 2. If you have any queries about the application, please contact me: