
This is a student project for 42 São Paulo. The objective is to set up a NGINX web server on a docker container.

Primary LanguagePHP


This is a student project for 42 São Paulo. The objective is to set up a NGINX web server on a Docker container, running a Wordpress website and a SQL database managed through phpMyAdmin. All of those services must interact smoothly with each other.

How to run it:

To create an image from the Dockerfile, while inside the main ft_server folder, enter docker build -t image_name .

To start your container, enter docker run --name container_name -it -p 80:80 -p 443:443 image_name

To turn AutoIndex on or off, while inside the container, enter bash root/autoindex.sh

To access the website, go to localhost (or on your browser.

Other useful commands:

docker container ps -a Lists all containers.

docker image Lists all images.

docker rm container_name - Removes container.

docker rm $(docker ps -aq) - Removes all existing containers.

docker rmi image_name - Removes image.

docker rmi $(docker images -q) - Removes all existing images.

docker start/stop container_name - Turns container on or off.

docker attach container_name - Enters container.

While inside the container:

CTRL + D - Exits and stops the container.

CTRL + P, CTRL + Q - Exits container and keeps it running.

Work history:

July 24th 2020 - Initial setup and tests. There's some kind of error on the PHP configuration that we haven't found it. No autoindex yet.

July 25th 2020 - Fixed database setup script, server is working now when an image is created from the Dockerfile.

July 28th 2020 - Autoindex works. Server seems to be running smoothly.