
Expansion for get player tier from tierlistmc.com

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


TierlistMC-Expansion is a PlaceholderAPI Expansion for Bukkit/Spigot Minecraft servers. It provides placeholders related to player tier data, which can be used in other plugins that support PlaceholderAPI.


  • Fetches player tier data from the TierlistMC API.
  • Caches the fetched data to reduce API calls.
  • Automatically removes cached data when a player leaves the server.
  • Configurable cache duration and format for each tier type.


  • %tierlistmc_<tierType>%: Returns the name of the player's current tier of the specified type. (Example: HT3)

Replace <tierType> with the type of the tier you want to fetch.

A list of available tier types:

  • diamond (Beast)
  • netherpot (Netherite Potion)
  • crystal (Vanilla Crystal)

Additional Placeholder

  • %tierlistmc_find_<tierType>_<playerName>%: Returns the specified field of the specified player's current tier of the specified type.

Replace <tierType> with the type of the tier you want to fetch, and <playerName> with the name of the player whose tier data you want to fetch.

For example, %tierlistmc_find_diamond_john% will return the name of the diamond tier of the player named John.


The configuration file tierlistmc.yml is located in the PlaceholderAPI plugin's data folder. Here are the available options:

  • api-key: Your API key for the TierlistMC API.
  • language: The language to use for tier names (default: "en").
  • cache-seconds: The duration to keep data in the cache (default: 60).
  • update-interval: The interval for batch requests in Ticks (default: 20).
  • max-batch-size: The maximum number of players to include in a batch request (default: 100).
  • read-timeout: The read timeout for API calls (default: 10).
  • retry-on-connection-failure: Whether to retry API calls on connection failure (default: true).
  • connect-timeout: The connect timeout for API calls (default: 10).
  • max-idle-connections: The maximum number of idle connections for the API client (default: 256).
  • keep-alive-duration: The keep-alive duration for the API client (default: 10).
  • formats: The format for each tier type. Must contain {name} which will be replaced with the tier name.


  1. Download the latest release from the releases page.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar file into your papi expansions plugins/PlaceholderAPI/expansions folder.
  3. Use /papi reload or Restart your server.
  4. Configure the expansion by editing the tierlistmc.yml file in the plugins/PlaceholderAPI plugin's data folder.
  5. Reload the plugin or restart your server again.


After installation and configuration, you can use the placeholders in any plugin that supports PlaceholderAPI. For example, in a chat / tab plugin, you could display a player's current tier in their chat messages / tab.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.