
Demo repository for Crossplane and GitOps style cloud infrastructure management.

MIT LicenseMIT

Hands-on Crossplane

Demo repository for Crossplane and GitOps style cloud infrastructure management.

Local Installation

For local installation simply follow the instructions found on the official Crossplane documentation.

# install latest Crossplane release using Helm in a dedicated namespace
kubectl create namespace crossplane-system

helm repo add crossplane-stable https://charts.crossplane.io/stable
helm repo update

helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane --set provider.packages={crossplane/provider-aws:v0.24.1}

## check everything came up OK
helm list -n crossplane-system
kubectl get all -n crossplane-system

Next we need to configure the actual cloud provider, e.g. AWS and GCP.

Using the AWS Provider

For AWS the configuration needs to reference the required credentials in the form of a secret. These are basically the aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key from the default profile found in the ${HOME}/.aws/credentials file. With this information we can create a secret and reference it from a provider config resource.

kubectl create secret generic aws-credentials -n crossplane-system --from-file=credentials=${HOME}/.aws/credentials

# this assumes that the AWS provider has been installed as part of the Helm installation
# otherwise use YAML or kubectl

# kubectl crossplane install provider crossplane/provider-aws:v0.24.1
# kubectl apply -n crossplane-system -f aws/provider.yaml

kubectl apply -n crossplane-system -f aws/providerconfig.yaml

kubectl get events
kubectl get crds

# create an S3 bucket in eu-central-1
kubectl apply -f aws/s3/bucket.yaml
aws s3 ls

# create an ECR in eu-central-1
kubectl apply -f aws/ecr/repository.yaml
aws ecr describe-repositories

# create SNS topic and subscription
kubectl apply -f aws/sns/topic.yaml
aws sns list-topics
kubectl apply -f aws/sns/subscription.yaml
aws sns list-subscriptions
aws sns publish --subject Test --message Crossplane --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:email-topic

# create a SQS queue
kubectl apply -f aws/sqs/queue.yaml
aws sqs list-queues

# create EFS file system and mount point
k apply -f aws/efs/filesystem.yaml
aws efs describe-file-systems
k apply -f aws/efs/mounttarget.yaml
# the mount target takes some time to be available
aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id <FileSystemId>

# create MQ brokers
kubectl create secret generic test-activemq-admin -n crossplane-system --from-literal=password=testPassword123
kubectl apply -f aws/mq/activemq-broker.yaml
kubectl get broker
kubectl describe secret test-activemq

kubectl create secret generic test-rabbitmq-admin -n crossplane-system --from-literal=password=testPassword123
kubectl apply -f aws/mq/rabbitmq-broker.yaml
kubectl get broker
kubectl describe secret test-rabbitmq

# use XRD to create an ECR
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/examples/example-repository.yaml

cd xrd/repository/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-repository.yaml

# use XRD to create an S3 bucket
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/examples/example-bucket.yaml

cd xrd/bucket/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-bucket.yaml

# use XRD to create PostgreSQL instance
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/examples/example-db.yaml

kubectl get postgresqlinstances.db.aws.qaware.de example-db
kubectl get claim

kubectl get secrets
kubectl describe secret example-db-conn

kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/examples/example-db-client.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs example-db-client-sjdh7

cd xrd/postgresql/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-db.yaml,examples/example-db-client.yaml


M.-Leander Reimer (@lreimer), mario-leander.reimer@qaware.de


This software is provided under the MIT open source license, read the LICENSE file for details.