Demo repository for Crossplane and GitOps style cloud infrastructure management.
For local installation simply follow the instructions found on the official Crossplane documentation.
# install latest Crossplane release using Helm in a dedicated namespace
kubectl create namespace crossplane-system
helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update
helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-stable/crossplane --set provider.packages={crossplane/provider-aws:v0.24.1}
## check everything came up OK
helm list -n crossplane-system
kubectl get all -n crossplane-system
Next we need to configure the actual cloud provider, e.g. AWS and GCP.
For AWS the configuration needs to reference the required credentials in the form of a secret.
These are basically the aws_access_key_id
and aws_secret_access_key
from the default profile found in the ${HOME}/.aws/credentials
file. With this information we can create a secret and reference it from a provider config resource.
kubectl create secret generic aws-credentials -n crossplane-system --from-file=credentials=${HOME}/.aws/credentials
# this assumes that the AWS provider has been installed as part of the Helm installation
# otherwise use YAML or kubectl
# kubectl crossplane install provider crossplane/provider-aws:v0.24.1
# kubectl apply -n crossplane-system -f aws/provider.yaml
kubectl apply -n crossplane-system -f aws/providerconfig.yaml
kubectl get events
kubectl get crds
# create an S3 bucket in eu-central-1
kubectl apply -f aws/s3/bucket.yaml
aws s3 ls
# create an ECR in eu-central-1
kubectl apply -f aws/ecr/repository.yaml
aws ecr describe-repositories
# create SNS topic and subscription
kubectl apply -f aws/sns/topic.yaml
aws sns list-topics
kubectl apply -f aws/sns/subscription.yaml
aws sns list-subscriptions
aws sns publish --subject Test --message Crossplane --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:eu-central-1:<ACCOUNT_NUMBER>:email-topic
# create a SQS queue
kubectl apply -f aws/sqs/queue.yaml
aws sqs list-queues
# create EFS file system and mount point
k apply -f aws/efs/filesystem.yaml
aws efs describe-file-systems
k apply -f aws/efs/mounttarget.yaml
# the mount target takes some time to be available
aws efs describe-mount-targets --file-system-id <FileSystemId>
# create MQ brokers
kubectl create secret generic test-activemq-admin -n crossplane-system --from-literal=password=testPassword123
kubectl apply -f aws/mq/activemq-broker.yaml
kubectl get broker
kubectl describe secret test-activemq
kubectl create secret generic test-rabbitmq-admin -n crossplane-system --from-literal=password=testPassword123
kubectl apply -f aws/mq/rabbitmq-broker.yaml
kubectl get broker
kubectl describe secret test-rabbitmq
# use XRD to create an ECR
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/repository/examples/example-repository.yaml
cd xrd/repository/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-repository.yaml
# use XRD to create an S3 bucket
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/bucket/examples/example-bucket.yaml
cd xrd/bucket/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-bucket.yaml
# use XRD to create PostgreSQL instance
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/definition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/composition.yaml
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/examples/example-db.yaml
kubectl get example-db
kubectl get claim
kubectl get secrets
kubectl describe secret example-db-conn
kubectl apply -f xrd/postgresql/examples/example-db-client.yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl logs example-db-client-sjdh7
cd xrd/postgresql/
kubectl crossplane build configuration --ignore=examples/example-db.yaml,examples/example-db-client.yaml
M.-Leander Reimer (@lreimer),
This software is provided under the MIT open source license, read the LICENSE
file for details.