
POC for detecting mutants based on DNA strings

Primary LanguageJava

Mutant detector API


To detect mutant dna strings using,as input, a six dna strings sequence.

Project construction stack

  • Java 8
  • MongoDb 3.6
  • Embeded Tomcat server 8.5
  • Apache Maven 3.5
  • Spring Boot 2.0
  • Jacoco Junit libs

Cloud location

Local setup instructions

  • Download and install Apache Maven
  • Download and install MongoDb Community Edition Standard MongoDb installation proposes listener port 27017 but in case your local installation uses a different one, it can be set updating spring.data.mongodb.uri in the project resource before packaging again.
  • Clone this repository
  • Position under the project root path and run command mvn clean package
  • Execute either mvn spring-boot:run or position under target project folder and executejava -jar mutant-detector-1.0.0.jar


Once the application is up and running, API endpoints can be tested locally using any rest client GUI or directly curling from console as follow:

API Mutant

POST localhost:8080/mutant


curl -v -X POST https://mutant-detector.herokuapp.com/mutant -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"dna":["ATGCGA","CAGTGC","TTATGT","AGAAGG","CCCCTA","TCACTG"]}'
Response: 200 - OK
POST localhost:8080/mutant


curl -v -X POST https://mutant-detector.herokuapp.com/mutant -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"dna":["ATGCGA","CAGTGC","TTATGT","AGACGG","GACCTA","TCACTG"]}'
Response: 403 - Forbidden
API Stats

GET https://mutant-detector.herokuapp.com/stats


curl -v https://mutant-detector.herokuapp.com/stats -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
Response 200 - OK 
    "count_mutant_dna": 2,
    "count_human_dna": 2,
    "ratio": 1

Unit testing coverage

To run the coverage report position on the project root path and execute mvn test then locate the report under folder \mutant-detector\target\jacoco-ut\index.html. Current figures:

Total instructions coverage: 86%
Total logical branches coverage: 80%

Load testing

Tested the API performance locally using Apache Jmeter tool. For replicating the load test scenarios wrote a jmx that uses a random dna file as test input.

Testing considerations:
  • Local tests were performed with "out of the box" settings for MongoDb and Tomcat Web Server.
  • Persistence Thread Pool executor settings were setup on application properties and can be tweaked for optimal results by setting pool size and queue capacity.
Tested load with figures:
  • Concurrent threads: 1000
  • Ramp up time: 5 seconds
  • Loop count: 10 times
  • Total samples: 20000
  • Minimum response times: 2 milliseconds
  • Average response times: 618 milliseconds
  • Maximum response times: 1524 milliseconds
  • Error percentage: 0 %
  • Throughput: 1086 requests/second