
Micro Focus Operations Orchestration on the AWS Cloud

This Quick Start automatically deploys Micro Focus Operations Orchestration (OO) Central and Workflow Designer 2018.12 in a new or existing virtual private cloud (VPC) on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud in about 20 minutes. The Quick Start includes AWS CloudFormation templates and a deployment guide with step-by-step instructions.

Micro Focus OO is a system to create and use actions in structured sequences called flows.

These structured sequences enable seamless automation and orchestration of repeatable IT operations across teams, tools, and environments, such as:

  • Maintaining, troubleshooting, and repairing IT resources.
  • Conducting health checks; diagnosing and repairing networks, servers, software applications, and workstations.
  • Automating elements, runbooks, and business services.

Quick Start architecture for Micro Focus Operations Orchestration on the AWS Cloud

For architectural details, best practices, step-by-step instructions, and customization options, see the deployment guide.

To post feedback, submit feature ideas, or report bugs, use the Issues section of this GitHub repo.

If you'd like to submit code for this Quick Start, please review the AWS Quick Start Contributor's Guide.