- 0xdaidai
- 0xDSousa@canonical
- alexmyczkoETH Zurich (PHYS/BAUG/BIOL) + @Debian
- ChunHoLumHong Kong
- clincheDPRK
- crazymanarmyr3kapig
- DoubleMicehuawei
- e-zknil
- ehauptZurich, Switzerland
- flawedworld
- FreelancePentester
- ghost461
- gsmith257-cyber@PhantomSecurityGroup
- Hydragyrum
- ja-he
- loo0niRyPoland
- melotic@microsoft
- mephi42
- newsoftGoogle
- omerk2511@KipodAfterFree
- P1umerImperial College London
- petarbojic
- Pixailz42 Angouleme
- QGrainUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- RafMdrzoManila, Philippines
- raqbit@ixoncloud
- Riatre
- Squirre17AAUN
- tavianatorUniversity of Waterloo
- theoyuandawangIIE
- ThomasKing2014
- tututu-patch
- xmzyshypncTencent
- yikesoftwareUCAS / IIE
- ZiruiOu